Whoa does having a mortgage help with income taxes. Finally got all my 1099-DIVs, 1099-INTs, and my Schedule K-1 in yesterday, so I hit TurboTax online. Without my mortgage interest, I would owe around $200 (mostly due to business ownership dividends). Then when I added the mortgage interest in... holy crap. My girl and I can go to Europe a few weeks this summer and live it up a little now, if I want.
Of course, this effect will go down as the years progress, and I'm paying more and more on principal instead of interest. But still... yowza. I love you, house.

Of course, this effect will go down as the years progress, and I'm paying more and more on principal instead of interest. But still... yowza. I love you, house.

Yeah I know he was trying to throw bullshit my way. Oh I already threatened Karis that if he was lying to me I would track him down and hurt him.