Just signed up for this site, though I've known about it for years. I generally have this thing against paying for sites, but after looking it over, I think four bucks a month is definitely worth it. Seems like this site has a really great community behind it, and that's what makes the difference for me.
So, since this is a blog, I suppose I should put something interesting that happened here, right? Well, I went to Phobia last Friday night. Master Chuck was the DM as always, and he was celebrating his 64th birthday (err... I'm pretty sure it's 64 anyway). My spank toy Loryn was aching for some ass-slapping love, but all the equipment was being used and we were impatient, so I bent her over a chair in the corner and went at her. Which, in hindsight, wasn't the greatest idea since I couldn't get an angle to use my left hand too. She wanted marks, and she got them... but it actually bruised my hand somewhat in the process, too. Not that I mind -- I actually rather like that.
You might be wondering why I didn't just use a paddle like a sane person. I don't like them. I like -feeling- the flesh when I hit it, and I like it to sting me back. I like rubbing the flesh, feeling the warmth. It's just so much more personal.
There were some stage shows put on by the Will of the Whip Society, which were interesting. Seemed like the performers were somewhat new to it, so it was a little rough around the edges, but still entertaining. I liked the audience participation afterward. They asked for audience volunteers, after a few seconds no one else stepped up, so of course I did, having no clue what I was volunteering for. Well, it was a spanking and flogging. Which was nice -- yes, I'm a sadomasochist, and I like taking and giving.
Of course, the girl was going pretty light on me. She kept checking in, I kept telling her I was fine, and to go harder. One of my friends in the audience helpfully shouted out, "Harder! Hit him HARDER!!!" (love ya, Krys!). Never really got hit as hard as I like, but I'd at least consider it a good warm-up.
Snow ended up having a seizure that night, which was no fun, but other than that it was a good night. A little low-key, but maybe that's because my swinger friends didn't come in. It's always... interesting with Jen and Travis around.
The rest of the weekend was pretty relaxed, with some random drinking at The Highlander and that sort of thing but nothing too crazy. And just remember: the lapdance is always better when the stripper is cryin'.
So, since this is a blog, I suppose I should put something interesting that happened here, right? Well, I went to Phobia last Friday night. Master Chuck was the DM as always, and he was celebrating his 64th birthday (err... I'm pretty sure it's 64 anyway). My spank toy Loryn was aching for some ass-slapping love, but all the equipment was being used and we were impatient, so I bent her over a chair in the corner and went at her. Which, in hindsight, wasn't the greatest idea since I couldn't get an angle to use my left hand too. She wanted marks, and she got them... but it actually bruised my hand somewhat in the process, too. Not that I mind -- I actually rather like that.
You might be wondering why I didn't just use a paddle like a sane person. I don't like them. I like -feeling- the flesh when I hit it, and I like it to sting me back. I like rubbing the flesh, feeling the warmth. It's just so much more personal.
There were some stage shows put on by the Will of the Whip Society, which were interesting. Seemed like the performers were somewhat new to it, so it was a little rough around the edges, but still entertaining. I liked the audience participation afterward. They asked for audience volunteers, after a few seconds no one else stepped up, so of course I did, having no clue what I was volunteering for. Well, it was a spanking and flogging. Which was nice -- yes, I'm a sadomasochist, and I like taking and giving.

Snow ended up having a seizure that night, which was no fun, but other than that it was a good night. A little low-key, but maybe that's because my swinger friends didn't come in. It's always... interesting with Jen and Travis around.
The rest of the weekend was pretty relaxed, with some random drinking at The Highlander and that sort of thing but nothing too crazy. And just remember: the lapdance is always better when the stripper is cryin'.
Welcome to the site, doll