So what have I been up to this holiday weekend?
I spent six hours traveling in a van with people I didn't know, I stayed at some dudes house that I'd never met and didn't sit down for over nine hours (including an hour long walk to end the night - my poor feet!)...
All in the name of MOTORHEAD!
So how was everyone else's weekend?
I spent six hours traveling in a van with people I didn't know, I stayed at some dudes house that I'd never met and didn't sit down for over nine hours (including an hour long walk to end the night - my poor feet!)...
All in the name of MOTORHEAD!

So how was everyone else's weekend?

All the acts were amazing. I look forward to seeing you there next year

fuck yeah, motorhead!! my friend Nicolletta met him this year in buenos aires when they played, actually she has got a photo in her albums!!