i must be embarking on a one man anti-domestic violence surge...
as i lay in the bed watching the 2007 avn awards on pbtv last nite i hear yelling & screaming from somewhere in my block. i peek out the window but still dont see anyone. then they walk into my view & stop right in front of my house...2 females & a male. the male is walking behind them at a faster pace. the lead female, who turns out to be his gf, has stopped at the rear of my car & steps between it & another while off the curb. he catches up to her, they exchange words & he keeps walking. the other female has kept walking also. the male turns in a rage & rushes the gf. he grabs her by the hair with his left hand & pummels her face with his right fist. he slams her on the ground, back first, & starts banging her head on the concrete. she cant fight back effectively because he is a good 2x bigger than she is & outweighs her by probably 150 ibs. her friend runs over, grabs the males arms & is trying to get him to stop, but shes too small as well.
i get up, put some shorts on, grab the mag lite, & the glock. when i open the front door, he is still pounding on her. so i shine the lite on him & tell him to get up. he stops beating her long enough to look up at me. he cant see me tho due to the brightness of the lite. i tell him again to get up, & i tell him a thirdd time. he gets off her, yells at me that i dont know the whole story. i tell him i dont need to know it, but that he needs to stop hitting her. he raises his shirt, which raises my anxiety. im looking for the gun to come out, it doesnt. he has nothing, or so it seems.
he is pissed at me now & begins to walk toward my front stoop. i presume he wants to engage me in a round of fisticuffs.
i dont truly fight unless i need to. this was not a time when i needed to. as he stormed at me, i turned off the lite, raised the glock, & said "i dont think you want to fucking do that slim." he sees the glock, stops immediately, & the girls get up off the ground & run across the street. he looks at me for a hot second & starts to walk up the street. i ask the girls if i need to call an ambulance. they say no. then dude comes back asking me if we can talk. i tell him no, its best he goes home. he asks a few more times & the answer was the same. he walks thru the playground which is next to my house, yelling that noone ever wants to hear his side of things, & disappears into the shadows. the girls went another direction. i listened for several minutes after to see if there were going to be any aftershocks...nothing.
not only that, noone called 911, because no police showed up in the block. noone came outside to see if they could diffuse the situation. i saw folks looking out the windows & peering out their doors after it was all over. what fucking good is that? inner city apathy blows me mang...
funny thing is...oct 2k6, i saw the same couple fighting in front of my house as i walked my cousin to her car. the guy was yelling at the girl as she held a brick in her hand. he told her not to throw it, she did anyway. he moved & it hit my neighborss house 2 doors away. since the homes are brick, it didnt do any damage. she took off running with him hot on her ass. nonetheless, they are probably still a couple & will remain so until one kills the other.

as i lay in the bed watching the 2007 avn awards on pbtv last nite i hear yelling & screaming from somewhere in my block. i peek out the window but still dont see anyone. then they walk into my view & stop right in front of my house...2 females & a male. the male is walking behind them at a faster pace. the lead female, who turns out to be his gf, has stopped at the rear of my car & steps between it & another while off the curb. he catches up to her, they exchange words & he keeps walking. the other female has kept walking also. the male turns in a rage & rushes the gf. he grabs her by the hair with his left hand & pummels her face with his right fist. he slams her on the ground, back first, & starts banging her head on the concrete. she cant fight back effectively because he is a good 2x bigger than she is & outweighs her by probably 150 ibs. her friend runs over, grabs the males arms & is trying to get him to stop, but shes too small as well.
i get up, put some shorts on, grab the mag lite, & the glock. when i open the front door, he is still pounding on her. so i shine the lite on him & tell him to get up. he stops beating her long enough to look up at me. he cant see me tho due to the brightness of the lite. i tell him again to get up, & i tell him a thirdd time. he gets off her, yells at me that i dont know the whole story. i tell him i dont need to know it, but that he needs to stop hitting her. he raises his shirt, which raises my anxiety. im looking for the gun to come out, it doesnt. he has nothing, or so it seems.
he is pissed at me now & begins to walk toward my front stoop. i presume he wants to engage me in a round of fisticuffs.

not only that, noone called 911, because no police showed up in the block. noone came outside to see if they could diffuse the situation. i saw folks looking out the windows & peering out their doors after it was all over. what fucking good is that? inner city apathy blows me mang...

funny thing is...oct 2k6, i saw the same couple fighting in front of my house as i walked my cousin to her car. the guy was yelling at the girl as she held a brick in her hand. he told her not to throw it, she did anyway. he moved & it hit my neighborss house 2 doors away. since the homes are brick, it didnt do any damage. she took off running with him hot on her ass. nonetheless, they are probably still a couple & will remain so until one kills the other.

Where u at meng?
Is it really your birthday?