went to the sgdc meet n greet with several folks from the area. it was a good time...except relevantswitch & saintinsomniac had some turkish coffee that became crude oil in the bottom of their cups...
we left the dinner spot & some went to a residential venue & some went to the edge for some more late nite drinks & dancing. i love me some tanqueray & oj son!
i need to get this glitch in my puter fixed so i can download the pics from my digicam. but for those who want to see some good stuff...go here.

we left the dinner spot & some went to a residential venue & some went to the edge for some more late nite drinks & dancing. i love me some tanqueray & oj son!

i need to get this glitch in my puter fixed so i can download the pics from my digicam. but for those who want to see some good stuff...go here.
i missed being here...even though i was on for a relatively short period of time i missed the kind of community SG provided and of course, my friends, like you.

it was great fun a the event! and i stole a pic to put up in my own little section of SG