i had to work the dreaded howard homecoming last nite.
the whole weekend, starting with friday nite was off the chain. the usual fights & man with gun calls filled the airwaves. most of it was over with by the time any officers arrived on the scene. a few calls for shots fired from moving vehicles at other vehicles as they drove down the street. nothing panned out. there was a murder, drug related, & away from homecoming festivities. there was a burglary also, dude got caught & the fam was safe.
saturday nite hit like a ton of bricks. shootings, robberies, stabbings, fights, & any other type of violent crime happened. most notibly, cam'ron was shot as he sat at a traffic lite in nw dc. thats right, i said cam'ron...the rapper. he took 2 hotballs to the biceps. they were in & out wounds. someones out to get him fo sho! hes not had great luck while in the hood in dc. a few years ago he was robbed of all his jewelry & beaten a few blocks from a dc niteclub run by mark barnes. matter of fact, cam was coming from marks other club last nite when he got shot! go figure!
palya needs to stay the fuck outta dc, cuz folks are gunning for him. why do i say this? this is why...if youre sitting at a traffic lite, minding your business, & 2(two) gunmen walk up on both sides of your car & begin to fill it full of bullets, someone doesnt like you & is trying to hurt you seriously.
nah mean?
hes going to be fine, not life threatening injuries. but now hes got new shit to rap about!
peace muhfukkahs!

saturday nite hit like a ton of bricks. shootings, robberies, stabbings, fights, & any other type of violent crime happened. most notibly, cam'ron was shot as he sat at a traffic lite in nw dc. thats right, i said cam'ron...the rapper. he took 2 hotballs to the biceps. they were in & out wounds. someones out to get him fo sho! hes not had great luck while in the hood in dc. a few years ago he was robbed of all his jewelry & beaten a few blocks from a dc niteclub run by mark barnes. matter of fact, cam was coming from marks other club last nite when he got shot! go figure!

hes going to be fine, not life threatening injuries. but now hes got new shit to rap about!

peace muhfukkahs!
