I know it might sounds lame but hey I am back! Just can't get away from my computer! What? do I have a social life? of course!!! I just glue to the computer most of the time MSNing and googling!
Been there, done that ;-)
I gtg guys, have a wonderful time.
see you all in the future.
PS: I am back!!!!!!!! after almost 9 months !!!!!!
I gtg guys, have a wonderful time.
see you all in the future.
PS: I am back!!!!!!!! after almost 9 months !!!!!!
but now you want into the canada west group?
wow! when is the last time we have sunshine in town? I simply couldn't recall.
i'm back for the time being.
Final exams are killing me! SOS! any hope of some hockey before 2004 comes to an end? Hockey come back plz !!!!!! I need you.
i feel your pain man...........i need hockey back in the worlds worst way........we'll see what happens........................

Wish I could meet more interesting people, everyone I know seems to be so dull....
i know what ya mean man
.............seems like all anyone does anymore is do drugs and party................dont get me wrong, i do my share of drinkin, but it tends get boring rather quick. take care

The weather is crap these days. Don't feel like going out unless I really have to, I rather stay home and kill time. Shit! how can I finish this eassy which is the fifth and still have one more to go. I need something that is refreshing so that I can get my mind reboot again.
Hm... let me see, I am flipping through the course registration guide and trying to think of what to take for Spring 05. I am about 36 credits away from walking out with a piece of paper saying that I have taken 120 credits, what a deal eh? well, do you know any easy credits? gimme some input if you like.
Looking out from the window on the 6th floor of campus library, the view is breathtaking. Now I am trying to do something that I have not done before, finish up my 12 pages eassy in just under 24 hours! if I can pull that off, I will be happy.
I took a lot of pictures today, upload it some for you people to enjoy....
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I took a lot of pictures today, upload it some for you people to enjoy....
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still trying to figure out why many reputable website still use realaudio format for streaming video. I really hate real one player for playing video files. The software is flat out sucks !!!!!
hehehe. indeed it is!
i also don't understand why people insist on using realplayer.
i also don't understand why people insist on using realplayer.
I am back after a couple weeks of hardcore studies and assignments. Finally a breath of relief, but just for a week then I need to get right back on it. Gee, I am look forward to Dec since I might make a trip to Quebec city, I heard it is beautiful there in the winter time. Hardly any snow in the west coast but...
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Got off at 8:30 today, downtown is completely emptyed. Got home quickly and took some flu medicine. I thought I can sleep through the night but instead I found myself woke up at 2 am, don't have a clue what I am going to do to kill off time until I felt sleepy again. hm. ... .. .
i hope you are all better now!