all is absent in lost sky
turning thoughts once tender thrown
into sharp seagrass drifting
heartless ocean bottoms unknown

seems like nothingless now
desire left behind in lost worlds
hopeful dreams died in the night
these fallen sharp edged tears could burn

you a wall standing there
with just a clogged passage
stagnant and stale
open wide failure
no one prevails
I think I will remember that the next time we are taking moments of silence in our Yoga classes...
just saw a trans-sexual audition to dance at devil's point. don't know why but it freaked me out and grossed me out too. she had better boobs than me.

perfect ending to a strange weekend. It was even "National Fucking Week", but I forgot to have sex. At least I don't even want to anymore. Wish my boy would quit expending all his energy and...
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"i'd rather be alone"
news to me

I'm talking about the fuck-ups being cut off here, but that is a whole other blog I need to write soon. or can I just copy and paste what you said baby. As for Wheels....

he actually listens to what people say instead of being a self-centered loud mouth.

he'll pull an asshole out of a car and send him to the hospital for abusing a girl.

he is generous to everyone. he spoils me and strangers too. I know Stormy loves her hussy cards.

he helps people see their potential w/o ever having to say a word. It's called setting an example through actions and lifestyle.

mabey his secret recipe to this rare lifestyle is simplicity, truth, integrity, and strength with a dusting of sparkEL motion.

he gives the best love, and as his girl he holds on to me tight all night without ever letting go.

so no. I would not rather be alone, but with him, always.

Yay for hippies nouveau. Last night while cocktailing at the Doug Fir there was some grateful dead type band booked. I anticipated making no money. Amber on the other hand informed me that this crowd had serious cash cause they all grow weed, ect. She was right. Those pathouli drenched folks drank only the finest...shots of Patron and shit.. forget the black butte porter. I...
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god damn hippy
I hate music right now.
A train wreck of jumbled beats are mashed up in my head.

No time for pleasure
not enough sex

an endless cycle of riding up this hill.
can't find the top. I only stop when I fall off.

fighting makes me feel like throwing up.

gasping for air. listening to the rain
my lover is hating on my breathing

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everyone knows you have sex with me
i guess that makes you my bitch
you're the rocking best baby!
hey i just bought hussy records!
let the good times roll.
i may just be the richest guy i know,now if i could just buy hooj too.
it's ok baby
i wanted to cum over and fuck you after i got off the phone.
maybe tonight.
whoa, sometimes I still get suprised when I wander the pages of SG...

very nice. wink
i sure do love to make you suffer little death.

tomorrow is another day
all these temptations.......
you got my number
you made me write
love baby love
forever tight
Started working in my dream architecture firm yesterday. Granted..I'm working for free to fulfill an internship requirement, but I was exposed to more design stuff in one day at SKYLAB than in my three years at school. OMG. Don't know if I'm ready for this but I've been given my own design project to manage.

Does this mean I have to grow up now? hopefully...
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hey you're sposed to tell peeps i'm a rocket scientist!
fuck they'd prolly never belive it anyway.
i'm listening to that mix you made me mash up that one time.
"more than a woman"
it's hilarious!
hey i DON'T get away with posting my "dong" and it's called a cock when it's that big baby.
that all said it's getting hungry for some sweet pussy,pills,hussies,and groove sparkel motion!
All of the sudden i'm starting to like rock. No wonder.... now that i think about it my first and second album ever =Blondie and Joan Jett. bought when I was six. Looked forward to working The Kills show for months and months last night at the Doug Fir. that chick is a full on banshee. well ....

I missed the show and missed going...
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say no to rock.... blondie doesn't count she's just down
house is where it's at!
course i mixed ac/dc with some house and drum and bass yesterday so i really can't say shit.
and blondie was never really rock she was blondie and she had her own thing going on her own feel and vibe the way she just burned