Is it me or are the stupid people of the world multiplying at an unbelievable rate!
It seems you can't go anywhere without being overrun with them, while your driving, shopping, and most of all while your working.
Just when I think i've seen it all, Bam! Stupidity strikes!
It's enough to drive you nuckin futs!
Ending rant......
See ya in the funny papers
It seems you can't go anywhere without being overrun with them, while your driving, shopping, and most of all while your working.
Just when I think i've seen it all, Bam! Stupidity strikes!
It's enough to drive you nuckin futs!
Ending rant......
See ya in the funny papers

didn't you know.. stupidity is contagious. thanks for the comment <3
I just hope in some small way I saved your life.