It has been a long while since I've updated this blog. To be honest, I was hoping that I would never be able to do this again, seeing as how I was on here last I had made my profile anonymous and waited for my account to expire. Then the site had a major overhaul, and now magically, my account is open up again. So allow me to explain the situation.
The reason I closed this account was because I had met a wonderful woman, who I'm happy to declare that she is now my wife. She's been with me through thick and thin, good and bad. She's really helped to turn my life around. I always felt like I was drifting through life, but now she gives me a purpose, gives me focus. I feel like since I've met her I've become a better person.
So it is because of this I don't feel Suicide Girls has a place in my life anymore. Looking back on my time here, I don't feel like I have much to be proud of here; in fact of most things I feel ashamed. I had hoped that I could try to keep the past behind me, but the recent "upgrading" of this site has brought it back to me. I don't feel like this site defines who I am anymore. My time and efforts must now be spent on building a new life with my wife and moving on towards a better future.
So with that I will simply say good bye.