@missy @charmaine @lyxzen and @rambo gave us a very interesting homework!
Well well well..
I will try do it in english even if it's not my mother tongue and I may do some mistakes!
The story begins..
Lucy was born in Sicily, in the year 281. Her father died when very young, and her mother suffered from severe bleeding, and she went on a pilgrimage to implore his recovery. A ghost appeared to her in a dream, saying, "You yourself have the power to heal your mother" At the same time the mother of Lucy healed from her disease.
In Nothern Italy but even in other regions there is a tradition that in December 13 the children write her a letter, saying that they were good, asking for gifts.
Pretty creepy.
It's the Italian Santa Claus, we can say.
Saint Lucy. But looks more like a spooky story to me.
Pic by my friend and tattoer Mater Totemica
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Have a wonderful day!