New style
I am not convinced at all of that but I had to do this for my job, they did not like my red hair so I had to dye them...
so sorry.... I hope people will like me this way too cuz I am not happy about mi hair now
Just trying to look good and smile, mpff...
I am not convinced at all of that but I had to do this for my job, they did not like my red hair so I had to dye them...
Just trying to look good and smile, mpff...
Hey, remember this!
Naughty Puppets
This was just a short blog, stay tuned for more pics
non mica male!!!
Yo, biondo scuro! Ma li ho neri da annissimi ormai... Oggi, siccome avevo una ricrescita da paura, mi son sognata di fare tante meches rosse che comunque andranno ripassate con un rosso un po' pi vivo. Il monocromatico mi va stretto... XD