There is no present
your hands your thoughts
you looting
every speck of the experience-world
scrambling for a synthetic time
where there is dynamic stagnation
that you would call
an I
an I
is but an habit
a residual pastime,
look at the following
and the following
there are mirrors of reflection
(where you think you exist because you thought it)
there are...
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To become an I
is to enshrine
yourself as a prey
in the home of the prayer
get your money
but get out
of this world
simmering with catastrophes
or your eros-driven page
will choke and choke
in the claws
of the undead God
that is waiting you
on the threshold
where the Unthought
crazily opens its mouth
and vomits
resoruces shortages...
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Clouds believe
In the open cracks
Of the earth:
Of unbinded clasps
Heart indeed
Freaks out
At the eyes of the sky:
Harking back
To the vast horizons
Of feelings
Rioting in its
Grinding matter
Chaotic shatter
When our eyes
Meet in a glance
I sink in a sinking matter
In a ground of clouds
In a foggy, sultry world
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Si rabbuia il capillare
L'ombra densa stringe
Il tuo estremo testuale
Glassa strozza e cuce
Un'altra parola ancora
Hai da chiedere
Hai da inanellare
E preghiera
E rosario
Diventa la pratica
Del nostro confabulare
Tutte le grammatiche
Da te messe in fila
Per ben benino
Il metodo metodico
Smitizzante e oracolare
E se invece
E se d'altrocanto
E se altrove
Spaccassimo il retroasse
Che puntella...
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Il pensiero si ritrae
poi ritorna
storto e addensato
pompa sangue il mondo
l'aria, le foglie,
la grata occlusa di memorie
sotto al costato
che affatica, allunga, strappa
e il pensiero ritorto
ritorna e smunge il mio occhio
l'immagine imperitura immensa
viene verso
e si fa epigramma di vene e capillari
non stringo nulla
rincorro un paio di parole
farsi gemiti, intimità assopita
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Ecco che il fuoco
si fa lamelle di sugo
rosso ocra verde
scema gioca
non troppo presto!
prima di morire
traccia una vena
rosso scuro
sulla finestra
giallo palude, i resti
di un sole pianto
sul vetro di maggio:
la vena disegna dei sentieri
da provare
e si assottiglia in mille direzioni,
un tempo era macchia spessa
compatta e scura
tagliava al sole la...
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A speck of rusty foolishness
A nasty rack
of yellow restiness
fall down
in the evening of your skin
a pale dimming tin
in that night
at Columbine,
the atomic bomb
far far away
as if the world could speak
of nothing more
even though the silence
was breaking its door,
so you went up
and in your sleepy flamboyant rush
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May is the eyes of Spring
Through the death of April
The booming Queen
Of the four-season grin,
A long smile,
That cut a year in pieces:
The apex of life
The apex of death
(Such a trivial dull thing to say
Such a naive burlesque),
But wait
What if the fading of April
Was an opening
A window
A link
Just like the...
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Thus you spent.
richly consuming your ropes,
tightly tiyng triple
of finding art, machines and
of mingling moons
around a neck of
fading pixels.
Thus you escape.
Maximum jailbreak
to your lonely mistress
from this lonely fitness
of well-arranged aesthetics.
And to the crow I throw the sky
its lingering looming lullabies
tattoos and lives.
I spent the night under the hills,
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Accelerating through faster chains
Of signs
Displaying the black translucent egg
Striking and rampaging
Out of you model-body
Vibrating surface of artistry
Of millions of aspirations
Sucking up tones of
Lurching lust lacking everything
From smell to sense
From glee to sin,
Only dust made out of money
And parking lots
An audience of ferocious parking lots
Looking for the translucent egg
Of your attention...
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What if the world (as Mainlander states) is the corpse of God ever-expanding and every little orgasm, along with commodification, subjectivities and information, accelerate a piece of tissue in its journey far away from God. So that a plurality of acts of enjoyment and jouissance are nothing more than a cloud of dead sensations spinning to the void again in the again, while the expanding...
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Why I am no pixel
Nor image
To stick through
To overcum
All the parade of desires
Trembling, sucking
Oozing from holes
And thighs and souls
Instead I am only
A semiotic driving cock
A residual organism
That dreams the fusion
With the machine.
Let’s get lost!
In the sewing network
Of supports of links
A loopsided feedback,
The slow muscle grow
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