HMMM. This may come across as bummer, but I hope not. This may well be my last week on SG for a month or two. I'm just at a point where every penny counts right now so I have to cut out some entertainment expenses. I haven't decided yet. But the cool thing is if I leave they save your profile so when you come back it's like you never left. I love that feature.
And I love this site. Maybe too much as it is taking time away from some art projects I really need to get started on. Heh, is that a sad lack of self control or what?
Anyway if I do go it's only till I have time to save the 50 bucks for a years worth of SG.
I have enjoyed it here so much and the people on my friends list have rocked my world. There are people here I never put a request in to that I wish I had because they are cool as hell. Anyway, If I do go, put a candle in the window for me and feel free to keep in touch by Email.
You guys kick ass.
And I love this site. Maybe too much as it is taking time away from some art projects I really need to get started on. Heh, is that a sad lack of self control or what?
Anyway if I do go it's only till I have time to save the 50 bucks for a years worth of SG.
I have enjoyed it here so much and the people on my friends list have rocked my world. There are people here I never put a request in to that I wish I had because they are cool as hell. Anyway, If I do go, put a candle in the window for me and feel free to keep in touch by Email.
You guys kick ass.

and I do love your sesame street's picture.
[Edited on Apr 11, 2004 2:46PM]
i was living in this apartment complex on parker you know where that is? if not, its just past the road towards the mall. theres a light with a realtor on the corner and then my apartment complex was the first right off of parker.
anyway, one night, i went to food lion at like 1 or so in the morning. was walking back to my place, and i just stopped. i got this really weird feeling, coming from this huge old tree that was next to the building. in my head (but not in physical reality) i saw someone hanging from the tree. it was really bizzare, but im a huge skeptic so i wrote it off.
not too long later i was trying to go to sleep but was having trouble. i finally did nod off, and then in the middle of a dream, all of a sudden it snaps into my apartment, and it feels VERY awake. as real as i feel right now typing this. i feel like im floating in the foyer of my apartment and down the hall towards my room. i see myself in bed and i see a man in a blue uniform standing over my bed. at that point i jump and wake up in bed, BUT i see the door to my room moving ever so slightly. THAT was weird.
anyway, i analyzed it of course. being me, i wrote it off as weird dreams and what not, but ya never know....danville has a lot of history. especially with the civil war. kinda fits together. hanged man....guy in a blue uniform (union soldier?) anyway, thats my story.