Home from work day!. it is beautiful outside and I got out and enjoyed it, between long stays at this painfully addictive site.
I did a little sketching and now I must clean my apartment.
I love a clean apartment but I hate getting there!
Comic con season is upon us, geeks!! I cannot wait. I love chatting with David Mack and his entourage every...
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I did a little sketching and now I must clean my apartment.

Comic con season is upon us, geeks!! I cannot wait. I love chatting with David Mack and his entourage every...
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I seriously need to update my journal. Seriously.
I also need to get off my lazy ass and throw some testimononials to my wonderful friends list..
I heart my friends list.
I also need to get off my lazy ass and throw some testimononials to my wonderful friends list..
I heart my friends list.

Thanks so much
. I have to scan some pics to put on my pics. I don't have a pic on my computer.

you always say the right things! and just for that i think you need a few of these:
yay for you, going in late! that's gotta be good for the soul! i hope your day is full of all the wonderful things you deserve!

yay for you, going in late! that's gotta be good for the soul! i hope your day is full of all the wonderful things you deserve!

HMMM. This may come across as bummer, but I hope not. This may well be my last week on SG for a month or two. I'm just at a point where every penny counts right now so I have to cut out some entertainment expenses. I haven't decided yet. But the cool thing is if I leave they save your profile so when you come...
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yes i'm totally agree with you
and I do love your sesame street's picture.
[Edited on Apr 11, 2004 2:46PM]

and I do love your sesame street's picture.
[Edited on Apr 11, 2004 2:46PM]
seeing as how youre in danville, i figured id share this one with you, specifically. i read your "creep me out," response and i thought of something i experienced when i was living down there. its a bit complicated, but ill try my best to explain it.
i was living in this apartment complex on parker road...do you know where that is? if not, its just past the road towards the mall. theres a light with a realtor on the corner and then my apartment complex was the first right off of parker.
anyway, one night, i went to food lion at like 1 or so in the morning. was walking back to my place, and i just stopped. i got this really weird feeling, coming from this huge old tree that was next to the building. in my head (but not in physical reality) i saw someone hanging from the tree. it was really bizzare, but im a huge skeptic so i wrote it off.
not too long later i was trying to go to sleep but was having trouble. i finally did nod off, and then in the middle of a dream, all of a sudden it snaps into my apartment, and it feels VERY awake. as real as i feel right now typing this. i feel like im floating in the foyer of my apartment and down the hall towards my room. i see myself in bed and i see a man in a blue uniform standing over my bed. at that point i jump and wake up in bed, BUT i see the door to my room moving ever so slightly. THAT was weird.
anyway, i analyzed it of course. being me, i wrote it off as weird dreams and what not, but ya never know....danville has a lot of history. especially with the civil war. kinda fits together. hanged man....guy in a blue uniform (union soldier?) anyway, thats my story.
i was living in this apartment complex on parker road...do you know where that is? if not, its just past the road towards the mall. theres a light with a realtor on the corner and then my apartment complex was the first right off of parker.
anyway, one night, i went to food lion at like 1 or so in the morning. was walking back to my place, and i just stopped. i got this really weird feeling, coming from this huge old tree that was next to the building. in my head (but not in physical reality) i saw someone hanging from the tree. it was really bizzare, but im a huge skeptic so i wrote it off.
not too long later i was trying to go to sleep but was having trouble. i finally did nod off, and then in the middle of a dream, all of a sudden it snaps into my apartment, and it feels VERY awake. as real as i feel right now typing this. i feel like im floating in the foyer of my apartment and down the hall towards my room. i see myself in bed and i see a man in a blue uniform standing over my bed. at that point i jump and wake up in bed, BUT i see the door to my room moving ever so slightly. THAT was weird.
anyway, i analyzed it of course. being me, i wrote it off as weird dreams and what not, but ya never know....danville has a lot of history. especially with the civil war. kinda fits together. hanged man....guy in a blue uniform (union soldier?) anyway, thats my story.
Hey everybody. it's monday!!! Everybody who's glad it's monday in the whole world, raise your hand. anybody? OK, will the guy in Somalia please lower the middle finger? That's not enthusiasm, that's just rude.
Anyway, I am going in late today to work on my 401K situation over the phone.
I had a great weekend. Got some art done,Heres one piece for a local...
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Anyway, I am going in late today to work on my 401K situation over the phone.
I had a great weekend. Got some art done,Heres one piece for a local...
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I am such a dork.

I am such a dork.
Oh yes, you have to enjoy this.
Whoo Hoo!! Thank God the weekend is here!!
Plan on seeing Dawn of The Dead, doing some artwork and otherwise just being boring.
Thanks to all my wonderful friends for all their encouragement lately. You folks Rock!
Speaking of Rock, I bought School of Rock for my niece and laughed my ass off. Jack Black is the man, so natural acting and hilarious.
Bahhh! I...
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Plan on seeing Dawn of The Dead, doing some artwork and otherwise just being boring.
Thanks to all my wonderful friends for all their encouragement lately. You folks Rock!
Speaking of Rock, I bought School of Rock for my niece and laughed my ass off. Jack Black is the man, so natural acting and hilarious.
Bahhh! I...
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awww, you flatter me! i think your drawing better than my pic. did you have a good time at the show??? did you find your green haired girl?
we went to hang out with some friends who were camping and i drank toooo much
...today i feel a bit 'off'.

we went to hang out with some friends who were camping and i drank toooo much

Update your journal or I'll kick your ass!!!!

My drawings and scribbles
Hello! First I would like to welcome my newest friendslist member,fentopal. Check out his artwork, great style!
On a more bizarre note I am pretty sure a tornado went over our apartments this evening. I heard the rush of wind and opened the door and there was the loudest noise ever overhead, exactly like a train as the say but so loud you can't describe...
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On a more bizarre note I am pretty sure a tornado went over our apartments this evening. I heard the rush of wind and opened the door and there was the loudest noise ever overhead, exactly like a train as the say but so loud you can't describe...
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Ooooh, thank you for the pinch, you sweet thing!
hope you're doing FANTASTIC!

My bad.... it appears that Blackjack & his sons are alive & well.... dunno why I was so sure I had heard that there were deaths in that family.
Well...fuck me.
Just found out today at work that my company has lost the contract. Usually when this happens, we merely change hardhats and move on.But this time...it just feels different.
I'm thinking maybe it is time for a shake up in my life to make me move on. I'm wondering if I should take out my 401K, pay up some bills and use the...
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Just found out today at work that my company has lost the contract. Usually when this happens, we merely change hardhats and move on.But this time...it just feels different.
I'm thinking maybe it is time for a shake up in my life to make me move on. I'm wondering if I should take out my 401K, pay up some bills and use the...
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thank you!
maybe i'll post a few more pics today...
a lazy sunday sounds like a lovely idea. if you do any artwork, be sure to share! i'm going to do laundry and perhaps lay out in the sun (i know, it's bad for me) or go down to the beach because it is a bea-oo-ti-ful day out!
take the time to appreciate yourself today!

a lazy sunday sounds like a lovely idea. if you do any artwork, be sure to share! i'm going to do laundry and perhaps lay out in the sun (i know, it's bad for me) or go down to the beach because it is a bea-oo-ti-ful day out!
take the time to appreciate yourself today!

The job security of a career in art is kind of sketchy as well (no pun intended). I've kind of lucked out thusfar. If you love it, though -- I say do it. And thanks for the compliment, I definitely appreciate it.

What up??!! Had a great day today. You know how somedays you just fly through on an emotional high? I have been on that for a few days in a row now., It is amazing what you can do to your own life when you just start looking at all the positive things and weeding out all the negative BS.
I sold a drawing at...
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I sold a drawing at...
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You're a Goji fan? You should do someKaiju Girl work then...

thank you! i hope i find an apartment and quick. if not i'm seriously just going to live in my car. haha. xo
Finally I update my journal! It is snowing AGAIN!! so I will no doubt be home from work tomorrow, unable to even get out of the driveway. Owell, I will stay home and draw or paint or write a frigging song.
On the bright side, If any of you out there have ever listened to any Anthony Robbins tapes, you know what I am saying...
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On the bright side, If any of you out there have ever listened to any Anthony Robbins tapes, you know what I am saying...
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danville... home of VIR!
the closet pic just got me so stoked. haha. i shot my set in december and now i'm just waiting for it to go up.
soooooon hopefully. more pics of organized closets...go! haha.
pottery barn catalogs are like porn to me. hehe. xo

Man.. It fucking snowed here. I hate this. Im in need of money so I worked Saturday to get some OT and now I'm missing today because we can't even get out of the driveway.
Screw winter. Screw it up it's ass.
Screw winter. Screw it up it's ass.
you need to change your journal entry mistah.

oooh and the art you posted for dravenraine is super hot. thanks seaceeme for alerting me to it.
