I was sick for like a week and a half. Still have a bit of a cough, but holy shit let me tell you I was hurtin!
But I did manage to finish decorating the house for the holidays.... well at least the outside. here are some pics, remember I had to take them at night, so they are not that great. Want to see them, drive on by some night!
What .... I like christmas.
Other than doing stuff around the house, I am pretty busy at work. Have a bunch of projects going on. Haven't had a lot of free time to unwind in a while.
I am going to try and change that soon.
I plan on seeing this movie real soon. It's a documentry on a West Virginia family.
Shoot-outs, robberies, gas-huffing, drug dealing, pill-popping, murders, and tap dancing what do these all have in common? The White Family........................
Also I have come to the realization that I think I am addicted to porn! Anyone else addicted too? If so can you recommend anything good?
Hope everyone has a great week!