Good weekend. My cousin came to town...good to spend time with family I don't get to see that often.
Stat of a very busy week at work. I'll be ready for a happy hour beer by Friday for sure. It just so happends that the bar I stop at after work is the same bar as the SG party. So i'll get to have a nice cold beer after a long week of work, & there will be a bunch of beautiful women SG's running around. Yeah I can't complain about that!

Hope everyone has a great week!
Stat of a very busy week at work. I'll be ready for a happy hour beer by Friday for sure. It just so happends that the bar I stop at after work is the same bar as the SG party. So i'll get to have a nice cold beer after a long week of work, & there will be a bunch of beautiful women SG's running around. Yeah I can't complain about that!

Hope everyone has a great week!
Probably around 9 because I have to wait until the man gets off work to come up, then we have to drop off the kiddo and whatnot...