Checking out the new site! stop by and say hi.
Wow, It's been a long time! 

Nothing new to report!
Been busy with work, and enjoying the warm weather.
Have a good one!
Been busy with work, and enjoying the warm weather.
Have a good one!
You know, I wondered about you yesterday or the day before. I thought you fell off the grid completely. Glad to hear things are going well. :]
i did! i'm back! 

Not much new going on here, just been working and enjoying some sunny weather.
Headed to North Carolina for work next week..... it's gonna be nice to get away.
Hope everyone has a great 4th of July!

Headed to North Carolina for work next week..... it's gonna be nice to get away.
Hope everyone has a great 4th of July!

Nothing new to report!
Been busy with wirk, and enjoying the warm weather.
Have a good one!

Been busy with wirk, and enjoying the warm weather.
Have a good one!

Been a while since I have been on SG...... started to really miss all the beautiful ladies!
Not much going on. Just work, golf, yard work, and some fun in the sun.
That's it for now.

Not much going on. Just work, golf, yard work, and some fun in the sun.
That's it for now.
aww the zoo!!!! I love the zoo!
Thanks honey!
You're nephew is cute, love that little fishermen's hat!

Damn, it's been a while since I updated this. Been real busy at work, and I have been spending my time outside working in the yard between rain showers!
Week started off shitty on tuesday. Had to call off work (which I never do) since my sump pump decided to quit working. I had an unwanted swimming pool in the basement, which sucked big time....
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Week started off shitty on tuesday. Had to call off work (which I never do) since my sump pump decided to quit working. I had an unwanted swimming pool in the basement, which sucked big time....
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Yeah I bought those 6 pairs all in under a week. :/ I have roughly 30+ pairs right now. And that's not including boots, sneakers, flip flops, whatever else counts as a shoe haha.
Only my underwear collection is more extensive.
Only my underwear collection is more extensive.
hope things are looking up now!
Well not much going on in my little piece of the world!
Tomorow will bne the last day of my 60 + hour week at work..... needless to say I CAN"T FUCKING WAIT till 5:30pm friday.... then four days off. Yard work here I come!
Just been enjoying the warm days, with sunny days, and very little rain! This is more like it.
Hope everyone...
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Tomorow will bne the last day of my 60 + hour week at work..... needless to say I CAN"T FUCKING WAIT till 5:30pm friday.... then four days off. Yard work here I come!

Just been enjoying the warm days, with sunny days, and very little rain! This is more like it.
Hope everyone...
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And you!!! Have missed you. 

Spent the weekend in stormy St. Louis, visiting family for Easter.
It was a good trip besides the rain, and the long drive home last night.... in the rain.
Good to be home.

It was a good trip besides the rain, and the long drive home last night.... in the rain.
Good to be home.

Yessir! Serious business.
Four days off work, AND the sun is out! Awesome!

Nothing new going on in my world.
Enjoying a long weekend.
It's been raining HARD here all day. But it has kept me inside all day, and I have been getting some small projects done.
Hope everyone had a great weekend, and I hope your week goes well!

Enjoying a long weekend.
It's been raining HARD here all day. But it has kept me inside all day, and I have been getting some small projects done.
Hope everyone had a great weekend, and I hope your week goes well!

Not too much going on in my world!
Enjoying the sunshine outdoors. Sure it may be chilly, but the sun is out so I am happy.
Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

Enjoying the sunshine outdoors. Sure it may be chilly, but the sun is out so I am happy.
Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!