It's hard not to notice how many implant scars are being photo-shopped out of the SG pictures these days. It really takes away from the pictures to me. Not my body, not my pictures but it's so obvious.
Be me
Sitting out on front porch reading while Harriet runs around.
Guy across the street walking his cute little French Bull dog
Dog starts to roll in poop while guy keeps walking and doesn't notice because his dog isn't on a leash.
Guy finally notices his dog isn't close by, walks back and starts yelling rhetorical questions at the dog "What's wrong with you?!?...
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I guess I will welcome myself. I finaly gave in, I couldn't take not being a member to this site. I've never payed for a site on the internet ever, but I know I made the right choice starting here.
Hope you enjoy this place anyway )