Testimony of Jasmine
My sex to your sex
Grinding in time
With sounds of the City
Stretched out below
Up on the rooftop
Our bodies entwined
Youre slick with my sweat
And the savor of your salts on my skin
The sun on my shoulders
My shadow across your breasts
Rising, falling with your breath
Calling my name, they beckon
My sex and your sex
We slip and we turn
Embracing and kissing
Tongues to our folds
Jasmines on the warm breeze
And the scent of the rivers
Mixed with diesel, orange trees,
The spices and grilled meats
We push and we pant
Your sex is so soaking
I delve and devour
And mine it is shaking
Your lips sweetest embrace.
We shout and we shudder
Over carhorns and shouts
And join in with fervor
As the thundering call
Echoes from above us
And we shout out together
God, God is Greater!
But I testify this
Nothing is sweeter
Than the message that goes
Your sex to my sex
My sex to your sex
Grinding in time
With sounds of the City
Stretched out below
Up on the rooftop
Our bodies entwined
Youre slick with my sweat
And the savor of your salts on my skin
The sun on my shoulders
My shadow across your breasts
Rising, falling with your breath
Calling my name, they beckon
My sex and your sex
We slip and we turn
Embracing and kissing
Tongues to our folds
Jasmines on the warm breeze
And the scent of the rivers
Mixed with diesel, orange trees,
The spices and grilled meats
We push and we pant
Your sex is so soaking
I delve and devour
And mine it is shaking
Your lips sweetest embrace.
We shout and we shudder
Over carhorns and shouts
And join in with fervor
As the thundering call
Echoes from above us
And we shout out together
God, God is Greater!
But I testify this
Nothing is sweeter
Than the message that goes
Your sex to my sex
thank you so much for your comment on my set 

Thank you for your lovely comment on my set <3