Well massive house party this weekend, bit dubious of it's poularity. Gef went out and announced in the Head and in Walkabout that we were having one, so now random people are coming to trash the place.
Tom n Dave have met people who know of it that we haven't told, so they're shitting a brick. Good job I know some doormen who love to bounce people around who are nasty
Only saturday will tell of it's greatness, or of it's catastrophe :S, on the plus side we have a wikid sound system and funky disco lights
Tom n Dave have met people who know of it that we haven't told, so they're shitting a brick. Good job I know some doormen who love to bounce people around who are nasty

Only saturday will tell of it's greatness, or of it's catastrophe :S, on the plus side we have a wikid sound system and funky disco lights