Me and Jarrod aren't together anymore.... 6 moths down the drain... He made me fall is love with his trite ass, just so he could fuck me over and get rid of me basically saying that "all he wants to do is fuck" well, if that was the case.... it should have started that way and never been anything more, but our relationship wasnt just sex.... so why all a sudden some BS!!
fuck him... fuck everything right now. I"m so pissed off at everything I can hardly take it anymore.
Not that me and jarrods separation is a new thing... we've been separated for a month, but it's all new to you guys and it's still fresh to me.
I just miss my fuckin husband (Justin) and I wish my life was back to the way it was before.... it was beautiful and I never fuckin realized it .... well, I knew before, but I guess I forgot.... and Now I miss it. Now I know what I had before that I dont have now...
a real family... real love... a real life.... and it was beautiful.... I threw it away for some BS- I guess it was best in the end.... but now the consiquence is going to haunt me until my life can be put back together... with my husband in jail- and no answer to how long he'll be there... I am completely speechless at this point.

God please just help me... please. I am begging and pleading!!
I am STILL with no car... I am STILL with no job (besides my modelling and pray to god I get photoshoots, or i'm 100% broke) and I am STILL with no home to call my own..... and STILL so lonely. I feel as though I have lost all of my friends... the ones i thought were real weren't, and the ones I thought i made, are fuckin fake too...
fuck this.
god please please help me through this. I can't live much longer this way. I am way too close to breaking. I can't believe I am still in one piece. I'm hanging by a string, but I'm still together.....
for now.
love u all
Should be shooting my next set very soon... I am in the midst of putting it all together. it should be really cool and something fun and new.

Sorry about your tough times, you have a lot to struggle with right now, that sucks. I hope things start looking up for you. NP, on the vid.
girly just move on don't look back, you might miss something ahead.