FIRSTLY- I'd like to say I am now a proud Michigan medical Marijuana Caregiver!!!!!
(Bow, Bow)
So me and my boo-boo got back together.... and I just gave her a 2nd chance kuz I love her and "everyone" deserves a 2nd chance right??
Caught red- handed.... saying that my friend was trying to get with her and that he talks MAD shit about me like "I'm soooo fucking pathetic" and how i use her for show kuz I'm a model that has everything she wants and a hot girlfriend and all this.....
well... come to find out, the very next day after she told me all this and we worked everything out, my friend tells me that shes been saying that I been talking mad shit about HIM!!! everything she told me he said about me, she told him I said it about HIM!!!!! BULLLSHITT ASS CUNT TRITE BITCH!
and she's telling him she loves him and trying to fuck him and suck his disck and make out with him and fucking be a whore when she just told me she didn't want anything to do with him and that he won't stop trying to get with her when SHE WAS TRYING TO GET WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!
She lives a double (or quadrouple) life. Tell us both the same things... the same kisses- same i love you- same EVERYTHING!!!
We are both done with her. I didn';t even know he had feeling for her and now we're BOTH brokehearted- but still kickin it just knowing that I gave her a second chance showed she never did/will change. so I really just
either way me and my friend got together and told that trite bitch we were done and called her out together- she was caught in the middle with nothing to do but cry and whine and try to say her fake ass sorrys some more... and her tears are never real. I now KNOW THIS.
On another note I had a hairshow called "Americoif of Detroit" Hairstylists david munn did the coloring and brandon Garragh did the cutting (live on stage)
It looks amazing!
The coloring took allll day the day before and the cut was demonstrated on the runway. so he freestryled my haircut and made it up as he went and I didnt get to see it for like a 1/2 hr later! lol- But I LOVE IT! I'll show you pics when I get them from the company.
I also got to work with some amazing MUAs and the EXCELLENT Kelly Johnson- AKA: Chi-Chi and the greek; was the clothing designer for the show
I had a great time. It was alot of work (2days of hair/make-up/wardrobe/the show) but I got to work with some great people- got an amazing new doo, and got pid me some $$$$ LOL
Love you guys- keep strong!
(Bow, Bow)
So me and my boo-boo got back together.... and I just gave her a 2nd chance kuz I love her and "everyone" deserves a 2nd chance right??
Caught red- handed.... saying that my friend was trying to get with her and that he talks MAD shit about me like "I'm soooo fucking pathetic" and how i use her for show kuz I'm a model that has everything she wants and a hot girlfriend and all this.....
well... come to find out, the very next day after she told me all this and we worked everything out, my friend tells me that shes been saying that I been talking mad shit about HIM!!! everything she told me he said about me, she told him I said it about HIM!!!!! BULLLSHITT ASS CUNT TRITE BITCH!
and she's telling him she loves him and trying to fuck him and suck his disck and make out with him and fucking be a whore when she just told me she didn't want anything to do with him and that he won't stop trying to get with her when SHE WAS TRYING TO GET WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!
She lives a double (or quadrouple) life. Tell us both the same things... the same kisses- same i love you- same EVERYTHING!!!
We are both done with her. I didn';t even know he had feeling for her and now we're BOTH brokehearted- but still kickin it just knowing that I gave her a second chance showed she never did/will change. so I really just
either way me and my friend got together and told that trite bitch we were done and called her out together- she was caught in the middle with nothing to do but cry and whine and try to say her fake ass sorrys some more... and her tears are never real. I now KNOW THIS.

On another note I had a hairshow called "Americoif of Detroit" Hairstylists david munn did the coloring and brandon Garragh did the cutting (live on stage)
It looks amazing!
The coloring took allll day the day before and the cut was demonstrated on the runway. so he freestryled my haircut and made it up as he went and I didnt get to see it for like a 1/2 hr later! lol- But I LOVE IT! I'll show you pics when I get them from the company.
I also got to work with some amazing MUAs and the EXCELLENT Kelly Johnson- AKA: Chi-Chi and the greek; was the clothing designer for the show

I had a great time. It was alot of work (2days of hair/make-up/wardrobe/the show) but I got to work with some great people- got an amazing new doo, and got pid me some $$$$ LOL
Love you guys- keep strong!

Sorry about the cheater.
Yeah, I guess so. Well, you always have me, LOL.