Know what's really funny about this whole "2010" thing....? It's weird, but for some dumb-ass reason it drives me fucking INSANE when people pronounce 2010 as"two-thousand and ten" WTF is up with that shit!?!?! When it was 1950, did we say, "it's the year one-thousand nine-hundred and fifty"?? NOOOOO we DIDN'T!!! so why do it now?! would it be much easier to just say, "twenty-ten?" soooooo much easier!
but hey, that's just me going off on a strange rant.... it's been bothering me like crazy, hahahahah!
Well New years Eve was ok. I drank too much, as usual. I don't drink much, but when i do, it's usually TOO MUCH. hahahaha! i don't ever realize it til it's too late, (meaning that i wake up in the morning like, "ohshit i don't even remember going to bed!") haha you know what I mean.
I love everyone of you

Don't forget to watch for my new set, "Dusty Industrial" on Feb 26TH YAAAAY!
Kisses to all!!

Your set is awesome