and even if part of the hair isn't real, it's still cute, lol.
Ugh, I have the money, just not so much the time. Well...I actually might have the time soon...ugh, I dunno! I don't wanna get a room.
*le sigh*
Soon though, I promise...especially since I'm about to ditch Hot Topic. My boss apparently doesn't think that I need time off outside of class so that I can study.
We are not agreeing.
I'm going to polish my resume this week, and send it to the Torrey Institute...maybe put this whole getting the hell out of Dodge thing in motion...that and I need to know if I need to spend my fall break apartment hunting >_<
And I'm excited to see the painting (no rush, though!)
She is SOOOOOO cute!!!!!
and even if part of the hair isn't real, it's still cute, lol.
Ugh, I have the money, just not so much the time. Well...I actually might have the time soon...ugh, I dunno! I don't wanna get a room.
*le sigh*
Soon though, I promise...especially since I'm about to ditch Hot Topic. My boss apparently doesn't think that I need time off outside of class so that I can study.
We are not agreeing.
I'm going to polish my resume this week, and send it to the Torrey Institute...maybe put this whole getting the hell out of Dodge thing in motion...that and I need to know if I need to spend my fall break apartment hunting >_<