so i need to sell some stuff for books this semester but i don't know if its ok to do so through sg. so what i will do is let you all know i have items for sale. it is mostly lady's clothing, worn and unworn, tees, vests, dresses, jeans, and maybe even more. also a brand new pair of ed hardly shoes never worn. i would also like to sell some of my photography which can be viewed on deviant art, but i sell apart from deviant because they rip off the buyer and the artist. and here's my link.... so email me if you have any interest in seeing cloths or photos. i also have more photos i will be putting up on deviant shortly and here is also my photobucket, tones of pics here! just please ask to go in the extra folders before doing so. i would apreciate it and so would those that the photos are of.
Thank you all in advanced for your help and let me know if its ok or not to sell from my page because if so i will post pics here making it easier for everyone!
Thank you all in advanced for your help and let me know if its ok or not to sell from my page because if so i will post pics here making it easier for everyone!

people sell things on here all the time. I think there is even a group/place for it.