So this is how I spent my day off. 6 hours in my kayak, just cruising around the park, getting sunburnt all to shit. Hell of a day. Got my kayak just before Canada Day and only used it about 4 times since then so I'm taking every opportunity to get it out. Though next time I'm definitely using sunscreen. My shoulders are fucking killing
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So, another night of food, Castle, and not much else. Went for a nice little walk, cleared my head a little, had intentions of starting to write or at least outline my novel (high hopes there), but that kind of fell by the wayside. So, I've decided to write, but in this blog instead, because I'm hoping to use this place to meet people and...
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Off work, got some food, watching Castle, all in all not a bad night. Had a good run this morning, actually felt like I accomplished something. Work kind of made the evening drag on, but what are you going to do right? Wish I was one of those people who had a job that meant something to them. Not just something they don't mind doing...
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Just starting out so saying hi. It's late and I'm tired so for now I'll leave it at

1)Want to know anything, ask. Anything.

2)I'm easygoing and laid back, let's talk about anything.

3) I'm all about the outdoors and things creative.

More to come when I have more sleep. Looking forward to hearing from/meeting you.


Will post a pic when I have one...
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Didn't mean to like my own post, that was a misclick. Great, now I look like a narcissist that talks to himself. Ok, time for bed. Where's my blankey?
Welcome!! <3