Hello SG land how is everyone? I hope all is well!
Things seem to be going great and bad for me at the same time. So I think i said in my last blog that I was going on a date with a girl soon. Well we went out friday night to the reds game and we had a blast. Went to Steak and Shake...
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Things seem to be going great and bad for me at the same time. So I think i said in my last blog that I was going on a date with a girl soon. Well we went out friday night to the reds game and we had a blast. Went to Steak and Shake...
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I love sushi.
Even though I'm vegan. lol

Well I guess you learn something new everyday. 

So I stepped and invited a girl out to a reds game on september 10th. She said yes so I'm excited about that. I have a date with a girl for the first time in two almost three years now. I'll keep you updated on that.
School is going great so far. I am Love doing research it's so amazing. If anyone wants details on...
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School is going great so far. I am Love doing research it's so amazing. If anyone wants details on...
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Have fun at the game!
Thank you for your lovely encouraging words dear <3
Alright looking at graduate and doctorate programs across the united states. It's time for you all to start recruiting me and telling me why I should pick a school close to you 

i should have had a cup of tea indeed, but i drank beer instead
i should have had a cup of tea indeed, but i drank beer instead

Well, Schools close to me are quite far away
I work at the local College though, which would be a good reason to choose the UK! 

First day of school is down and it was cool to get back in the swing of things. I got to see some people I haven't talked to in awhile which was cool. I got to see how my course work will work out this semester should be lots of work but nothing to hard and it all should be pretty dang fun. The thank...
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So, I got to see a cousin I haven't seen in a year who is in from Denver. I hadn't seen him the time before that in like 2-3 years before that so It was nice to get to see him and really the rest of the family. I got to leave early from work to see him too so even bigger bonus.
I bought...
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I bought...
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Good to see you're better! (I just read your previous blog too
And yay for the games and seeing your cousin!

And yay for the games and seeing your cousin!
Awesome! Have a great time with your cousin.
If I can pull it off, tonight I'll be murderin some zombies with you. I'm going to try and hijack my friend's mic.
If I can pull it off, tonight I'll be murderin some zombies with you. I'm going to try and hijack my friend's mic.

Argene, Dezzie, Mylene, and Spica I am feeling much better thanks for showing your concern. The steroids have me so hyper right now it's not even funny. To everyone that didn't show your concern but were wishing me to feel better I seem to be better now but it was still scary. Well only 11 more days of steroids to go.
11 days?! You must of been ran through the ringer with illness.
You have to get better, soon! We need to kill some zombies together, and I need to get a mic!
I get to be Francis though, and if were taking it to L4D2 I get to be Ellis.
You have to get better, soon! We need to kill some zombies together, and I need to get a mic!
I get to be Francis though, and if were taking it to L4D2 I get to be Ellis.
Glad to hear you feel better now, you just need to wait a bit taking pills and everything will be ok. =)
So today truly sucked, We were short staffed today at work but that was totally understandable since Donna, my co-worker, had her visitation and funeral today. It was understandable that a lot of us got off to go. The problem is we were so short staffed that when I couldn't even stand up straight because of chest and back pain, I couldn't even think straight...
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Feel better!
Hope your back feels better!
Hmmm just because I have nothing fun to report I thought I would do like another friend of mind did and ask 5 questions of you all. then you can ask me 5 questions after you answer them so that we can have fun with this.
1) If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? I would go to...
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1) If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? I would go to...
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Oh, I know that by another name: Chicken picatta. I used to love it back when I ate meat... though I do know of a brand of fake meat that makes "chicken" that's perfect for that sort of recipe. After finals, I'll have the luxury of time to cook stuff like that. Yum.
Hey doll! thank you soo much for your sweet comment on my set

So I'm happy I got my breast forms today in the mail as well as a gaff and some padded panties that are supposed to help give the shape of hips for me. I tried them on and while I don't have chances to get pictures right now I can truly say that they sure help make me look more proportional for a girl than...
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Aww well at least there was one good thing between school and work sucking. 
And yes sometimes it really is a bit of a shocker

And yes sometimes it really is a bit of a shocker

haha yeah i hate the supper hot days too, but im loving the warm
and your funny lol
howd the time with fam out fo town go?

howd the time with fam out fo town go?
Not much to report just got done with stats homework. It sucked doing lol. Umm worked this morning that sucked as well.
Talked to the beautiful Tarion that always makes my day brighter. Umm other then that not much happening going to eat maybe read a little and then do some gaming. I so need to get a wireless for my 360 so i can...
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Talked to the beautiful Tarion that always makes my day brighter. Umm other then that not much happening going to eat maybe read a little and then do some gaming. I so need to get a wireless for my 360 so i can...
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I know. I mainly sell things. Just like a lot of other people do.. Guess people are just immature
I like stats