First day of school is down and it was cool to get back in the swing of things. I got to see some people I haven't talked to in awhile which was cool. I got to see how my course work will work out this semester should be lots of work but nothing to hard and it all should be pretty dang fun. The thank god moment of the day was checking my schedule before driving back to middletown campus to see that the class i was driving back for doesn't start until October, as a result i didn't have to rush back to town and can get my homework done super early for wednesday and relax at least two nights a week until october.
More Blogs
Sunday Sep 12, 2010
Hello SG land how is everyone? I hope all is well! Things seem to… -
Wednesday Sep 01, 2010
So I stepped and invited a girl out to a reds game on september 10th.… -
Friday Aug 27, 2010
Alright looking at graduate and doctorate programs across the united … -
Monday Aug 23, 2010
First day of school is down and it was cool to get back in the swing … -
Saturday Aug 21, 2010
So, I got to see a cousin I haven't seen in a year who is in from Den… -
Friday Aug 20, 2010
Argene, Dezzie, Mylene, and Spica I am feeling much better thanks for… -
Thursday Aug 19, 2010
So today truly sucked, We were short staffed today at work but that w… -
Monday Jul 26, 2010
Hmmm just because I have nothing fun to report I thought I would do l… -
Friday Jun 25, 2010
So I'm happy I got my breast forms today in the mail as well as a gaf… -
Monday Jun 21, 2010
Not much to report just got done with stats homework. It sucked doin…