Hmmm just because I have nothing fun to report I thought I would do like another friend of mind did and ask 5 questions of you all. then you can ask me 5 questions after you answer them so that we can have fun with this.
1) If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? I would go to Japan because I have a fascination with the culture and would love to experience it first hand. Oh and the women are absolutely gorgeous
2) what is your favorite food(s)? I love so many different foods I like Chicken Griglia, pizza, lasagna, spagetti with meatballs, Chipotle burritos, and a good steak the most.
3)What is your favorite position? I don't have enough experience to say for sure but doggy is fun and the Dirty Santa Claus
4) If you could be the opposite sex for a day, week, month, year, longer, would you and if so why? Yes at least a year because I feel i'm somewhere between a man and a woman mentally and would like to experience life as a normal female for awhile to see if I like the good as much as I do in fantasy and if I can deal with the bad that comes with it. If I could handle all that I think that while women aren't equal in a financial sense I think they get more leeway to be who they really are over men. Though there are some double standards such as being a player/pimp compared to being a slut etc but overall i still think girls have more freedom in some senses.
5) If you could meet just one person and get to know them in the entire history of the earth who would it be and why? This one I'm not exactly sure about, there are so many great people in history worth getting to talk to and pick their brain but right now I am leaning towards Franklin Roosevelt. I would like to know how he felt about the new deal policies and if he could look at their results now would he be happy with them.
1) If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? I would go to Japan because I have a fascination with the culture and would love to experience it first hand. Oh and the women are absolutely gorgeous

2) what is your favorite food(s)? I love so many different foods I like Chicken Griglia, pizza, lasagna, spagetti with meatballs, Chipotle burritos, and a good steak the most.
3)What is your favorite position? I don't have enough experience to say for sure but doggy is fun and the Dirty Santa Claus
4) If you could be the opposite sex for a day, week, month, year, longer, would you and if so why? Yes at least a year because I feel i'm somewhere between a man and a woman mentally and would like to experience life as a normal female for awhile to see if I like the good as much as I do in fantasy and if I can deal with the bad that comes with it. If I could handle all that I think that while women aren't equal in a financial sense I think they get more leeway to be who they really are over men. Though there are some double standards such as being a player/pimp compared to being a slut etc but overall i still think girls have more freedom in some senses.
5) If you could meet just one person and get to know them in the entire history of the earth who would it be and why? This one I'm not exactly sure about, there are so many great people in history worth getting to talk to and pick their brain but right now I am leaning towards Franklin Roosevelt. I would like to know how he felt about the new deal policies and if he could look at their results now would he be happy with them.
Oh, I know that by another name: Chicken picatta. I used to love it back when I ate meat... though I do know of a brand of fake meat that makes "chicken" that's perfect for that sort of recipe. After finals, I'll have the luxury of time to cook stuff like that. Yum.
Hey doll! thank you soo much for your sweet comment on my set