Well i just have to say my weekend fucking rocked!!!! Who fears the rain when alcohol is at hand? Our place at Seven Springs was a bling bling get a way. BIG PIMPIN is how we roll up in this ma fucka!!! Tooo bad I had to run off to York the next morning. I went from Riches to Rags in 24 hours Mansion to Farm Fields LOL
I took some pictures of the place that I have to resize yet. Unfortunately I asked my friend Katie to buy me some Energizer batteries for my camera for Hornstock. Miss Bargain shopper bought me the .94 cent brand for Dollar General. She bought an 8 pack- My camera uses 4 at a time. I got only 8 pictures before all the batteries were dead. You do the Math. Yes folks you get what you pay for.
Got a call from Scooter Shooterz yesterday. They received my check for my bike and the wheels are in motion. Yeah I got a stiffy, so beware !!!! I don't want to unexpectingly poke you with it.
Well back to HELL and the whip is a crackin.
I took some pictures of the place that I have to resize yet. Unfortunately I asked my friend Katie to buy me some Energizer batteries for my camera for Hornstock. Miss Bargain shopper bought me the .94 cent brand for Dollar General. She bought an 8 pack- My camera uses 4 at a time. I got only 8 pictures before all the batteries were dead. You do the Math. Yes folks you get what you pay for.
Got a call from Scooter Shooterz yesterday. They received my check for my bike and the wheels are in motion. Yeah I got a stiffy, so beware !!!! I don't want to unexpectingly poke you with it.
Well back to HELL and the whip is a crackin.
i said "EXTRA" garnish.
I still missed the first day because I had to go to kindergarten orientation. So, my first official day is tomorrow.