FUCKING MURPHY'S LAW!!!! I thought the weekend would start with some ink. I got to the shop at noon after being drenched in rain. Brian and Jason were standing there waiting for me. Brian didnt have enough time to work on my half-sleeve since my dumb ass changed somethings on Wednesday. So we rescheduled for Wednesday night after the shop is closed. BUT Murphy has struck again. MY dumbass wore a wifebeater all day Saturday and Sunday, so now I have a little sunburn. I'm just gonig to wait now until I take my vacation at the end of July before i leave for Daytona. All in All the weekend went pretty good. I got wasted and had fun. I forgot my damn camera though I need to start bringing it with me all the time like I used too. Regardless of my friends fear of being captured on film.
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Tuesday Dec 21, 2004
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Sunday Dec 19, 2004
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Tuesday Dec 14, 2004
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Friday Dec 10, 2004
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