Do you like to rock and roll? Then join, Tyler and Kristy on Thursday night as they welcome, into the CIC live, Suicide Girl model and all around rocker, Jesse May!
Jesse May not only gets naked on the Internet, she is a real RockNRolla. Jesse is in a band and well be talking to her about her musical talents as well as her talents to, well, lets face it, get Tyler to lose his mind, drool and wag his tongue.
Join us as we talk modeling, singing, rockin and rollin and a whole lot more with Jesse May. Taking calls and text questions for Jesse during the show!
For all the fans that have been waiting for months for a round of hot summer nights and hot chicks on the Bad Side, its time. For those of you that have never heard one of these sit down and chats? Be there! Thursday, July 23rd, 10PM only on the Bad Side...LIVE!

Jesse May not only gets naked on the Internet, she is a real RockNRolla. Jesse is in a band and well be talking to her about her musical talents as well as her talents to, well, lets face it, get Tyler to lose his mind, drool and wag his tongue.
Join us as we talk modeling, singing, rockin and rollin and a whole lot more with Jesse May. Taking calls and text questions for Jesse during the show!
For all the fans that have been waiting for months for a round of hot summer nights and hot chicks on the Bad Side, its time. For those of you that have never heard one of these sit down and chats? Be there! Thursday, July 23rd, 10PM only on the Bad Side...LIVE!
hey there mister! How're you doing??
Hi Cadence! I'm well. Sent ya an update mail!