oooo hello again poeples... sorry i been away for a little while. i may of had a little accident.
just got out of hospital after a 4 day stay there. i managed to brake my jaw in 3 places, broke 5 teeth and also have a rather large gash on my chin. mmmmmm nice i think you'll agree. kinda slid of a big 2 story roof onto a concrete floor... it made me bleed outta my ear. haha nice. Because of this litttle accident i have to have my jaw banded shut for the next 6 weeks... no xmas dinner! no food at all for that matter.. i have to live off these 'Ensure Plus' milkshake all in one meal type thing. cant speak either.... its only bein 3 days and i already wanna cut the bands off. better not i spose.
this is a bit of a messy entry but then again a im pretty dosed up on loadsa wierd and wonderful drugs. feel a bit floaty. hahahahahaha
be back 2moro maybe x
just got out of hospital after a 4 day stay there. i managed to brake my jaw in 3 places, broke 5 teeth and also have a rather large gash on my chin. mmmmmm nice i think you'll agree. kinda slid of a big 2 story roof onto a concrete floor... it made me bleed outta my ear. haha nice. Because of this litttle accident i have to have my jaw banded shut for the next 6 weeks... no xmas dinner! no food at all for that matter.. i have to live off these 'Ensure Plus' milkshake all in one meal type thing. cant speak either.... its only bein 3 days and i already wanna cut the bands off. better not i spose.
this is a bit of a messy entry but then again a im pretty dosed up on loadsa wierd and wonderful drugs. feel a bit floaty. hahahahahaha
be back 2moro maybe x

Thanks for the two big thumbs up for my pics!!! Exactly how big are those thumbs? Heh