well, i guess tihs is as good a time as any to make my first journal entry, I just got kicked out of the US Navy, and i bet you all can't guess what for, amazingly enough, it was the dread Crystal Meth, which out here in Japan, is vastly better than anything i've ever had in the states, unfortunately it's something i want to do just a little bit too often, you know it's bad when you're out to sea, and you're injecting crystal meth right before you go to your captains mast, or for you non-navy types out there, it's Non-judicial punishment meted out by your commanding officer, the top dog in other words, this is nothing to be proud of, i guess, and i do it even though i know better, i think we all know better when we get started on these bad habits we all suffer through, the skeletons in the closet that keep us awake at night, or isthat the meth? it makes me wonder how far down this spiral really spirals, and if when i finally hit bottom, will i die? or will i still be alone in my misery, destined to walk on, i think the latter, so i pull my collar up and face the wind, and steel myself for the inevitable pangs of loneliness in a crowded room that makes my life unlivable, and i wonder, still i wonder, when will lady luck smile on me? when can i kiss her feet and not be kicked to the curb.
the story of life is the blink of an eye
the story of love is hello and goodbye
until we meet again
the story of life is the blink of an eye
the story of love is hello and goodbye
until we meet again
I think I've read the Vanyel books about 27 million times. (along with all her other stuff..) God, my friends and I were sort of madly obsessed with mercedes lackey books as kids.. we'd write stories about Van coming to our schools and telling us we had to go to Valdemar.. it was funny.
anyways, hi! Anyone who makes references to Mercedes Lackey rocks in my books. say hullo sometime...