desires for dividing with you
Les Ogres de Barback
Terrain Vague;
Y' a Paris, la capitale, qui renifle son trou de bals,
Intras-muros c' est brillant, dehors c' est pour les paysans,
D' ailleurs s' il n' en restait qu' une, ce serait srement celle-l:
Q' une aussi con que la lune et prtentieuse, comme il se doit.
Mais Paris, a reste en France, les Franais reste des Franais,
Les chevilles en evidence, le nombril insatisfait!
A Rennes o il fait bon vivre, j' y ai vu, pardonnez-moi,
Des masses de foules ivres, des seringues pleins les bras,
Un soir, une chose amusante, sur la route, croyez-moi:
La police qui plaisante d' un cadavre sur le toit.
Mais rennes, a reste en France, les Franais restent des Franais,
Des reins en convalescence, des poumons dans le regret.
Puis y' a Bordeaux la bourgeoise avec son grand cru class,
Que l' on deguste dans l' extase, dans les grands lieux New-Yorkais,
Qui indique sa mmoire ce qui est mauvais:
Si pour Papon, c' est un trou noir, le Girondin c' est un succs.
Mais Bordeaux a reste en France, et les Franais reste des Franais.
Des trouillards de gauche en transe ou des cons de droits muets.
A Toulouse la ville rose, peut-tre sont-ils un peu chauvins?
Quand ils jacassent pas du rose, ils te parlent des Toulousains,
Ils ont un patois bien sr, qu' ils utilisent parfois,
Pour crire sur les mrs d' une usine: " plus jamais a"
Mais Toulouse a reste en France, francs demeron francs
Des canards qui l' t dansent sur des rythmes " afro-laid"
Puis il y a Marseille, celle qui son port si charmant,
Sa mditrrane belle, sa sardine et ses harengs.
Comme un tout petit village, un hameau ensoleill,
Qui n' a d' un dsavantage : d' tre rempli de Marseillais!
Mai marselha aquo's la Frana
Les Franais restent des Franais.
Des grandes gueulent qui l' on pense, quand on veut avoir la paix.
Entre le Rhne et la Saone, il y a Lyon et ses reflets,
En banlieue, il y a sa zone, ses odeurs et ses regrets,
Sa gastronomie connue, qui veut nous faire oublier,
Pour ne pas tre deus, tous ses scandales financiers
Mais Lyon a reste en France, les Franais restent des Franais,
Des bonnes bouffes en concurrence, des non-dits sur le palais.
Lorsque j' ai connu Strasbourg pour la premire fois,
Je pensais trouver l' amour dans les rues de celle-l
Mais il y eut soudain un doute danscette ville un peu cruche,
O l' on me parlait de choucroute , d' Europe et de Flamenkuche,
Awer StroBburi blebt in Frankrich, l' galit en "free-lance",
L' humanit qui s' ssaie. " Hergeloffener!"
Il y a Lille dans le nord, comme il y a le nord en Lille,
Des grands hommes gras et forts ou des consanguins dbiles,
Les grands projets planetaires, qui dpensent sans se soucier
A deux pas de la misre des petits enfants mins.
Mais Lille a reste en France, les Franais restent des Franais?
Des trrils d' arrogance, l' ingalit au sommet.
Aprs cet air gographe, une pette explication,
Je ne cherche pas les baffes, je ne cherche pas la baston,
Mais lorsque je vois au loin qui agitent leurs drapeaux,
La grande race des chauvins, juste cot des fachos.
Ben moi qui suis n en France dans un bled incognito,
Je ne comprends pas la dmence, je ne vois pas les idaux,
De ceux qui pensent la naissance, comme une attache, un ghtto,
Pardonnez-moi cette offense et traduisez en ces mots:
Issu de la poussire, je m' en retourne la poussire,
Issu de la planete Terre, je m' y promne sans frontire!
Issu de la poussire, on s' en retourne la poussire,
Issu de la plante Terre, on s' y promne sans frontire!
In English
There is Paris, the capital, which renifle its asshole,
Intras-muros it is brilliant, outside it is for the peasants,
Moreover if there remained only one about it, it would be surely that one:
That as an idiot as the moon and pretentious, as it should be.
But Paris, that remains in France, the French remains of the French,
Ankles in evidence, the dissatisfied navel!
In Rennes where it makes good food, I saw there, forgive me,
Drunk masses of crowd, syringes full arms,
One evening, a thing amusing, on the road, believe me:
The police force which jokes of a corpse on the roof.
But Rennes, that remains in France, the French remain of the French,
Kidneys in convalescence, lungs in the regret.
Then there is Bordeaux the snob, with her great classified vintage,
That one tastes in the extase, in the great New-Yorker places,
Who indicates to his memory what is bad:
If for Papon, it is a black hole, Of Gironde it one is succes.
But Bordeaux that remains in France, and the French remain of the French.
Yellowbellies of left in fright or idiots of dumb rights.
In Toulouse the pink city, perhaps are a little chauvinistic?
When they did not "jacassent" (speak) a pink, they speak to you about Toulouse,
They have of course a "patois", which they use sometimes,
To write on the ripe ones of a factory:"never that"
But Toulouse that remains in France, "francs demeron francs"
Ducks which be it dance on rhythms "afro-ugly".(afro-laids (puns) = "affol" = thrown into a panic, fast rhythm)
Then there is Marseilles, that which with its so charming port,
Its beautiful Mediterranean, its sardine and its herrings.(for the rhyme)
Like a very small village, a shone upon hamlet,
Who does not have of a disadvantage:to be filled of Marseillais!
"May marselha aquo' S Frana "
The French remain of the French.
Large mouths of which one thinks, when one wants to have peace.
Between the Rhone and Saone, there are Lyon and its reflections,
In suburbs, there are its zone, its odors, and its concerns,
Its known gastronomy, which wants to make us forget,
Not to be disappointed, all its financial scandals
But Lyon that remains in France, the French remain of the French,
Good food in competition, of the unvoiced comments on the palate.
When I knew Strasbourg for the first time,
I thought of finding the love in the streets of that one
But there was suddenly a doubt in this city a little jug,
Where one spoke to me about sauerkraut, Europe and Flamenkuche,
Awer StroBburi blebt in Frankrich, equality in "freelance worker",
The humanity which tests "Hergeloffener!"
There is Lille in north, like there is north in Lille,
Fatty and strong great men or the consanguineous weak ones,
The great planetaires projects, which spend without worrying
With two steps of the misery of the mined little children.
But Lille that remains in France, the French remain of the French?
Trrils of arrogance, the inequality at the top.
After this air geographer, a small explanation,
I do not seek the slaps, I do not seek the brawl,
But when I see with far which agitates their flags,
The great race of chauvinistic, just with with dimensions of the fachos.
Ben me which was born in France in a village incognito/lost,
I do not understand the insanity, I do not see the ideals,
Those which think the birth, as a fastener, a ghetto,
Forgive me this offence and translate into these words:
Resulting from dust, I am turned over from there to dust,
Resulting from the planet Ground, I walk there without border!
Resulting from dust, one is turned over from there to dust,
Resulting from the planet Ground, one walks there without border!
(Sorry for the traduction, but I have do best than I could
take cares of you!
desires for dividing with you
Les Ogres de Barback
Terrain Vague;
Y' a Paris, la capitale, qui renifle son trou de bals,
Intras-muros c' est brillant, dehors c' est pour les paysans,
D' ailleurs s' il n' en restait qu' une, ce serait srement celle-l:
Q' une aussi con que la lune et prtentieuse, comme il se doit.
Mais Paris, a reste en France, les Franais reste des Franais,
Les chevilles en evidence, le nombril insatisfait!
A Rennes o il fait bon vivre, j' y ai vu, pardonnez-moi,
Des masses de foules ivres, des seringues pleins les bras,
Un soir, une chose amusante, sur la route, croyez-moi:
La police qui plaisante d' un cadavre sur le toit.
Mais rennes, a reste en France, les Franais restent des Franais,
Des reins en convalescence, des poumons dans le regret.
Puis y' a Bordeaux la bourgeoise avec son grand cru class,
Que l' on deguste dans l' extase, dans les grands lieux New-Yorkais,
Qui indique sa mmoire ce qui est mauvais:
Si pour Papon, c' est un trou noir, le Girondin c' est un succs.
Mais Bordeaux a reste en France, et les Franais reste des Franais.
Des trouillards de gauche en transe ou des cons de droits muets.
A Toulouse la ville rose, peut-tre sont-ils un peu chauvins?
Quand ils jacassent pas du rose, ils te parlent des Toulousains,
Ils ont un patois bien sr, qu' ils utilisent parfois,
Pour crire sur les mrs d' une usine: " plus jamais a"
Mais Toulouse a reste en France, francs demeron francs
Des canards qui l' t dansent sur des rythmes " afro-laid"
Puis il y a Marseille, celle qui son port si charmant,
Sa mditrrane belle, sa sardine et ses harengs.
Comme un tout petit village, un hameau ensoleill,
Qui n' a d' un dsavantage : d' tre rempli de Marseillais!
Mai marselha aquo's la Frana
Les Franais restent des Franais.
Des grandes gueulent qui l' on pense, quand on veut avoir la paix.
Entre le Rhne et la Saone, il y a Lyon et ses reflets,
En banlieue, il y a sa zone, ses odeurs et ses regrets,
Sa gastronomie connue, qui veut nous faire oublier,
Pour ne pas tre deus, tous ses scandales financiers
Mais Lyon a reste en France, les Franais restent des Franais,
Des bonnes bouffes en concurrence, des non-dits sur le palais.
Lorsque j' ai connu Strasbourg pour la premire fois,
Je pensais trouver l' amour dans les rues de celle-l
Mais il y eut soudain un doute danscette ville un peu cruche,
O l' on me parlait de choucroute , d' Europe et de Flamenkuche,
Awer StroBburi blebt in Frankrich, l' galit en "free-lance",
L' humanit qui s' ssaie. " Hergeloffener!"
Il y a Lille dans le nord, comme il y a le nord en Lille,
Des grands hommes gras et forts ou des consanguins dbiles,
Les grands projets planetaires, qui dpensent sans se soucier
A deux pas de la misre des petits enfants mins.
Mais Lille a reste en France, les Franais restent des Franais?
Des trrils d' arrogance, l' ingalit au sommet.
Aprs cet air gographe, une pette explication,
Je ne cherche pas les baffes, je ne cherche pas la baston,
Mais lorsque je vois au loin qui agitent leurs drapeaux,
La grande race des chauvins, juste cot des fachos.
Ben moi qui suis n en France dans un bled incognito,
Je ne comprends pas la dmence, je ne vois pas les idaux,
De ceux qui pensent la naissance, comme une attache, un ghtto,
Pardonnez-moi cette offense et traduisez en ces mots:
Issu de la poussire, je m' en retourne la poussire,
Issu de la planete Terre, je m' y promne sans frontire!
Issu de la poussire, on s' en retourne la poussire,
Issu de la plante Terre, on s' y promne sans frontire!
In English
There is Paris, the capital, which renifle its asshole,
Intras-muros it is brilliant, outside it is for the peasants,
Moreover if there remained only one about it, it would be surely that one:
That as an idiot as the moon and pretentious, as it should be.
But Paris, that remains in France, the French remains of the French,
Ankles in evidence, the dissatisfied navel!
In Rennes where it makes good food, I saw there, forgive me,
Drunk masses of crowd, syringes full arms,
One evening, a thing amusing, on the road, believe me:
The police force which jokes of a corpse on the roof.
But Rennes, that remains in France, the French remain of the French,
Kidneys in convalescence, lungs in the regret.
Then there is Bordeaux the snob, with her great classified vintage,
That one tastes in the extase, in the great New-Yorker places,
Who indicates to his memory what is bad:
If for Papon, it is a black hole, Of Gironde it one is succes.
But Bordeaux that remains in France, and the French remain of the French.
Yellowbellies of left in fright or idiots of dumb rights.
In Toulouse the pink city, perhaps are a little chauvinistic?
When they did not "jacassent" (speak) a pink, they speak to you about Toulouse,
They have of course a "patois", which they use sometimes,
To write on the ripe ones of a factory:"never that"
But Toulouse that remains in France, "francs demeron francs"
Ducks which be it dance on rhythms "afro-ugly".(afro-laids (puns) = "affol" = thrown into a panic, fast rhythm)
Then there is Marseilles, that which with its so charming port,
Its beautiful Mediterranean, its sardine and its herrings.(for the rhyme)
Like a very small village, a shone upon hamlet,
Who does not have of a disadvantage:to be filled of Marseillais!
"May marselha aquo' S Frana "
The French remain of the French.
Large mouths of which one thinks, when one wants to have peace.
Between the Rhone and Saone, there are Lyon and its reflections,
In suburbs, there are its zone, its odors, and its concerns,
Its known gastronomy, which wants to make us forget,
Not to be disappointed, all its financial scandals
But Lyon that remains in France, the French remain of the French,
Good food in competition, of the unvoiced comments on the palate.
When I knew Strasbourg for the first time,
I thought of finding the love in the streets of that one
But there was suddenly a doubt in this city a little jug,
Where one spoke to me about sauerkraut, Europe and Flamenkuche,
Awer StroBburi blebt in Frankrich, equality in "freelance worker",
The humanity which tests "Hergeloffener!"
There is Lille in north, like there is north in Lille,
Fatty and strong great men or the consanguineous weak ones,
The great planetaires projects, which spend without worrying
With two steps of the misery of the mined little children.
But Lille that remains in France, the French remain of the French?
Trrils of arrogance, the inequality at the top.
After this air geographer, a small explanation,
I do not seek the slaps, I do not seek the brawl,
But when I see with far which agitates their flags,
The great race of chauvinistic, just with with dimensions of the fachos.
Ben me which was born in France in a village incognito/lost,
I do not understand the insanity, I do not see the ideals,
Those which think the birth, as a fastener, a ghetto,
Forgive me this offence and translate into these words:
Resulting from dust, I am turned over from there to dust,
Resulting from the planet Ground, I walk there without border!
Resulting from dust, one is turned over from there to dust,
Resulting from the planet Ground, one walks there without border!
(Sorry for the traduction, but I have do best than I could

take cares of you!

Angel, where have you gone?!