Well, the first semi-regular (I hope) SGCanada East (London branch) outting has wrapped up, and I THINK everyone had a good time... At least I hope they did.

The turnout wasn't quite as high as we thought it might be, but it was still a load of laughs...

I have the pictures downloaded from my camera, and will have to start going through them and...
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haha look at you, surounded by suicide girls. good times. smile
i didn't not sneek out at all you guys just took to long to get out....I was leaving and when I leave I leave should of been quicker
I might just do that, I love to bowl!
guess what I got?!?! yep that is right your photos you wanted!! are you excited?
I have been SO bad the last couple days.. Bad Tyg!

Yesterday I had fried chicken, and potatoe wedges for lunch, and then turned around and have a peanut butter and bacon sandwich on a toasted english muffin and some eggs cooked using the leftover bacon grease.. And then today I had burger king for lunch instead of trying to make up for yesterday...
Its all good... every once in a while you need to indulge...

- Z
Well, the strike was averted! WOOT! No lost wages! smile
I can't say I am entirely happy with the solution they came up with the deal with the issues, but at least it a step in the right direction.

I really need to get off my ass and start using the better photo editing tools.. Even for little things like my profile pic.. The current one...
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which strike is this?
for bowling I am thinking sunday march 19th let me know
So, I was bored yesterday morning and buzzed my hair...

Impulsiveness is one of those nasty side effects of the ADHD.. (As many things in my past will attest to.. Including the two ex-wives that never should have been wives...) But, at least the one advantages to having grown up with the undiagnosed ADHD is that I've excepted the fact that I will do things...
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Hope things go well for you today... (strike wise) That really sucks!

- Z
Welp, survived another Singles Awareness Day with no major incidents.. smile

I sat down and watched some of the extras from the Wallace and Gromit DVDs last night.. The collection of shorts about different contraptions on the 3 three adventures disc were absolutely gut-busting, and the tour of the studio and the making of a bunny pieces on the actual movie disc were ratehr well done......
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ya I switch dentist actually cuz my dentist lady was an asshole to me so I said fuck it and called a new one and they got me in rigth away...pretty rad

I sent you an email back sorry if it doesn't make sence I am on perks and naproxen
Oh COME ON!, it's a CLASSIC line from a CLASSIC movie! haha
As Sloane and others have basically said:

Happy Singles Awareness Day to you all!
Damn! I can't believe it's been almost two weeks since I updated my journal. Bad Tyggy!

I would pull the excuse that I have been busy playing the DDO 10 day beta from my pre-order, which is true, but that's just a stupid excuse, sicne it really doesn't take long to write something here if I just sit down and let my fingers ramble a...
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Well, the last couple days I haven't been as silly as I was on thursday and friday last week, but I have still be a little silly at work and in the car-ride in... I'm still blaming it all on the ADHD meds, but there is a SLIGHT chance that it is simply because I'm silly... Either that, or my brain really has finally snapped......
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these ones are being stole by the photographer and I this is the size he wants to sell...I have other ones I am going to sell i will post later...those will be the 8x10's
thanks smile
Since no-one but my dear buddy ol pal Arden chose to help me out with my questions about my beard situation from my last journal I am thinking I am probably going to shave it.. But, I still haven't decided what the heck I feel like doing with my hair...

Today was a very strange day.. I don't know if it was just my ADHD...
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I know she has great eyes....now we need to get her back to the site!!!!

I am still for shaving it, and well since I am the only one who had input into it I think my choice goes...lol

I am just waiting for the CD in the mail and then we're good to go, OH MY GOSH when the photographer has then up I'll give you the link to the photos I shot this weekend AMAZING! I love them all, but I wont be able to sell these ones and that's too bad! cuz they are rad!

I have to go watch skating with the stars tonight cuz it's awesome and I used to figure skate so I love watching ppl fall or get hurt even better just plain suck! hahaha