Well, apparently some crazy person with too much money decided to re-activate my account for a few months for me, and I just could not pass up the opportunity to visit and see how things are around here..
Over the past few weeks have I ripped through the first 11 books of the 'Dresden Files' series by Jim Butcher and have enjoyed them thoroughly. The only down side is that now I have to wait a while for the next one, since the eleventh book just came out on tuesday this past week..
I had been meaning to start reading the series for a while now, (ever since I saw the TV show... RIP..
) so it was nice to finally have a little time to get around to reading them.
I've also read the first couple books of the 'Mercedes Thompson' series by Patricia Briggs this week and am definately picking up the third and fourth books of that series in the next few days...
Of course, now that I have read those books, I need to find some new books that will catch my interest... Otherwise I am liable to do something crazy like spending time attempting to write my own stories or something, and that could be a rather scary thing...
Over the past few weeks have I ripped through the first 11 books of the 'Dresden Files' series by Jim Butcher and have enjoyed them thoroughly. The only down side is that now I have to wait a while for the next one, since the eleventh book just came out on tuesday this past week..
I've also read the first couple books of the 'Mercedes Thompson' series by Patricia Briggs this week and am definately picking up the third and fourth books of that series in the next few days...
Of course, now that I have read those books, I need to find some new books that will catch my interest... Otherwise I am liable to do something crazy like spending time attempting to write my own stories or something, and that could be a rather scary thing...