Well, apparently some crazy person with too much money decided to re-activate my account for a few months for me, and I just could not pass up the opportunity to visit and see how things are around here..
Over the past few weeks have I ripped through the first 11 books of the 'Dresden Files' series by Jim Butcher and have enjoyed them thoroughly. The...
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Over the past few weeks have I ripped through the first 11 books of the 'Dresden Files' series by Jim Butcher and have enjoyed them thoroughly. The...
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Things have been a little busy lately, which is why I have not been around too much lately..
Well, some of you will be happy to hear this.... (although I hope at least couple might not be)
I've decided to not bother renewing my subscription here when it runs out in October. (Middle/end of the month some time..) I have a few reasons, but I...
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Well, some of you will be happy to hear this.... (although I hope at least couple might not be)
I've decided to not bother renewing my subscription here when it runs out in October. (Middle/end of the month some time..) I have a few reasons, but I...
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I hate to see you go!

He is a beautiful dog, however, thanks though.

Wow.... It's been a little bit since I got around to posting here...
Things have been slightly (CRAZILY) busy lately, so the little spare time I have been enjoying has been spent playing my newest MMO addiction rather than typing out silly journal entries here...
Then again, for the one or two people who might actually still read my journal entries here, it probably hasn't...
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Things have been slightly (CRAZILY) busy lately, so the little spare time I have been enjoying has been spent playing my newest MMO addiction rather than typing out silly journal entries here...

Then again, for the one or two people who might actually still read my journal entries here, it probably hasn't...
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i'd grab it but.. the eating up all my free time is why i stopped mudding in the first place.. kingdomofloathing is enough web-crack for me..
Damn! This heat lately has been crazy...
Actually, I think if the heat stayed but the humidity would fuck right off it would actually be fantastic...
I'm just glad I have AC here at the house... If I didn't, I think the dog and I both would have burst into flames by now...
I went out and played 9 holes of golf last night for...
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Actually, I think if the heat stayed but the humidity would fuck right off it would actually be fantastic...
I'm just glad I have AC here at the house... If I didn't, I think the dog and I both would have burst into flames by now...
I went out and played 9 holes of golf last night for...
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Well, I just got home from Cicely's art show. Her work is awesome!
If you're in the London area before the 29th, be sure to get in to see it! It's at the Arts Project on Dundas... I'm not sure of the hours, but it's definately worth the trip to check out the artwork.
In other news, I snagged a copy of the DVDs...
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If you're in the London area before the 29th, be sure to get in to see it! It's at the Arts Project on Dundas... I'm not sure of the hours, but it's definately worth the trip to check out the artwork.
In other news, I snagged a copy of the DVDs...
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**Rant warning**
You know, there are very few things in life that REALLY piss me off.. But cowardliness is definately one of those things....
If you have a problem with someone or their actions, privately let them know... Pull them aside, leave them a message, email them, whatever.. Just talk to them like a grown up and try to sort it out... BEFORE you run...
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You know, there are very few things in life that REALLY piss me off.. But cowardliness is definately one of those things....
If you have a problem with someone or their actions, privately let them know... Pull them aside, leave them a message, email them, whatever.. Just talk to them like a grown up and try to sort it out... BEFORE you run...
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Well, after the way I golfed last night at my men's league, it would appear that I do not need to give up golf for a new hobby like knitting..
It started out looking like I was going to be better off giving up the game, but then the second half of the round it all came together... I ended up winning a hat for...
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It started out looking like I was going to be better off giving up the game, but then the second half of the round it all came together... I ended up winning a hat for...
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Sorry it took so long for me to return your comment. I took a leave of absence from this place... the longest one yet, at that. Anyway, nice to "meet" you... and I think you should take that vacation. Everyone needs a vacation.

Well, it would appear that I was wrong in my last entry...
The universe did find a way to make my week start improving on a monday....
Work was kinda blah, but at least it wasn't horrible, and I did manage to find a couple things to at least chuckle at... But the real improvement came when I got home and popped on here and...
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The universe did find a way to make my week start improving on a monday....
Work was kinda blah, but at least it wasn't horrible, and I did manage to find a couple things to at least chuckle at... But the real improvement came when I got home and popped on here and...
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Glad to hear you're having a better week.
Hopefully it keeps it up!
...and when you figure out the secret to fixing a crappy week, make sure you let us all know, because i've got one coming up pretty soon, i'm sure of it.
Hopefully it keeps it up!
...and when you figure out the secret to fixing a crappy week, make sure you let us all know, because i've got one coming up pretty soon, i'm sure of it.
This has been a rather sucky weekend for a number of reasons.. Most of which I really don't feel like getting into at the moment.... Maybe later, we'll see....
Although I have my doubts about things improving on a monday, I am still holding out hope that the eary part of the week will start to bring some joy....
Although I have my doubts about things improving on a monday, I am still holding out hope that the eary part of the week will start to bring some joy....
Well, I played a little bit of something, that was SUPPOSED to be golf last night during my men's golf league, but whatever it was that I was play could not truly be termed golf... I suspect it was the universe telling me that I should find a new hobby... Maybe knitting or something....
Sunday I got over the mood slump I whinned about here...
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Sunday I got over the mood slump I whinned about here...
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That bunny of mine may be cute, but I guess you can't see his evil little eyes in the pictures. He is quite the troublemaker. Other than that though, you're right, rabbits are great pets.
I was considering going to the Canada Day picnic too, but sadly, I don't think I can make it there. I think I have to work the day after. Oh well.... Next gathering though? I'm there.
I was considering going to the Canada Day picnic too, but sadly, I don't think I can make it there. I think I have to work the day after. Oh well.... Next gathering though? I'm there.
You have a point, I think.