Damn! Sometimes I can be a real brain dead dork....

In all the excitement an afterglow of getting to hang out with some very cool SGfolks in toronto on saturday for my bud Lucy's birthday, (although you'd have to wonder about that some days, since she hasn't added me to her friends list, and she has it set so i can't request it.. (*hint*...
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When they find a cure it will cost too much, and it'll be cheaper to treat people with the risk of death than it will be to cure them. They'll call it "more intelligent health care management" or something equally stupid.

I'm not bitter or pessimistic!
oh shit just emaild ya but forgot 2 put in this.. i have msn and aim if u wana chat that way :: sexxifoo and hidden.beauty@hotmail.com (altho my REAL email addy is hidd3n.beauty@gmail.com)
Well, I just got home from the Lucy Birthday shindig in Toronto, and I have to say, I had a blast.

It was very cool to hang out with very hot girls and cool guys who all have a decent sense of humor, and were out to just have a good time.

Of course, the gathering confirmed my earlier opinion that when it comes to...
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Another week has started, and it seems that my trend of stirring up shit at work is going to continue... at least if yesterday is a good indicator.. Of course, I have a list of a few other things I will probably be stirring up this week as well, so I do kinda do it to myself..... But it would be nice to go a...
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Great comic smile
Well, the golf adventure went relative well yesterday.. I ended up with a mild case of heat stroke, and a mild sunburn on the back of my neck, but it still beats an afternoon at work.... I'm still a bit tired thanks to the heat stroke, but I'm sure by the time I get some sleep tonight, I'll be back up to full lunatic mode...
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Damn, I can't believe this crazy weather!

Last weekend I had to turn the furnace back on because the house had gotten cool enough that if I didn't turn it back on I would have ended up catching a cold or something... frown

And now this weekend, I had to turn the dang AC on, because it was getting warm enough I was starting to think...
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Well, the cell phone is back on, the weekend definately wasn't long enough, but at least there's only 4 days of work this week... It's a start... The one thing that could have really improved the weekend would have been a nice, cute girl to curl up on the couch and keep wamr with since it as cool outside...

There were no messages on the...
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Yeah, the weather definitely left something to be desired. Hope the weather pulls through for your golf adventures.
LOL noo way man my cats r awsome.. theyre relly good lol.
WOOT! The long weekend is here!!

I think I may turn off the cell phone (my only phone) and leave it off for a couple days... smile

Maybe that will allow me to relax and enjoy the weekend without getting pestered for stupid things...
Lol yeah its may 2-4 I plan on partyin my ass off all week!!!
thanks so much for the support! i appreciated what you said - n kiss

I know I said I was trying to have a positive outlook just a couple entries ago, but the universe seems to be plotting against me when it comes to that plan....

Lately I have been crazy busy, which is bad enough on it's own, but now work has become a royal pain in the ass...

I generally stir up a little trouble at...
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LOL yeh.. santa is dead shocked i can remember how shattered i was when i found out he wasnt real. DAMNIT lol. happy may long weeked (a lil early.. ill be away frown )
You know it's bad when you can't sleep at night. Good luck with that situation.
I'm feeling like a bit of a heal at the moment...

I told a friend I would help her out with fixing a few issues with her website a couple weeks ago, and although I help fix the immediate problem, there was more I wanted to help with. The problem is, I got like crazy busy the last couple weeks, and the only time I've...
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Time can be very hard to find, I'm sure your friend will understand?
Im on the opposite side of the fence. I've been so bored lately I'm happy to be going back into chaos. smile

And nope, I'm near the college for work. I can walk back and forth from home which is nice, but it is pretty creepy when I leave work b/c it's after midnight. I'll have to polish up on my kung fu fighting.

I always forget to respond to PM's because...I dunno. I'm lame? lol.
Well, tonight turned out to be a good night!

The weather was awesome for my golf league, and I won a free shirt.. smile I only hit one good drive all night, but it just happened to be on the hole that had the longest drive competition going on... I ended up smacking it about 310 yards right down the middle of the fairway.. It was...
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Yeah I had a hardon for that 3 inch LCD (my 20D only has a 1.8 in I think) and the lack of a viewfinder... I suppose that justified the extra price over the SD600 for me.
Thank you smile
That side is done though...

I'll be starting the other side soon