OK, I am so not back it's not even funny. Yeah, as Leningrad said, my roomie took the 'puter away. However, it's the superflamboyant, shockingly straight one, not the psycho evil bitch one. Plus it's his machine, so I guess that's fair.
As everyone who reads Lenny's journal knows, I've had a longboard for about two and a half days now. I love it very much big. It's a real beast - sixty-two inches long (and I made the overcompensation joke before the gay man trapped in a woman's body did... yes, I am aware of the Freudian implications), over a foot across at the widest point, thirteen layers of plywood (maple or something - I'm not quite sure), Independent trucks and, uh, big blue wheels (I forget how big, but big). It weighs, what, about 15 lbs. or so, I figure. First thing I did to it was to slap a suicidegirls sticker right under the nose. It's prominently displayed whenever I stand the board upright, as I usually do to carry it.
I get so many comments/compliments on it... two of the best today came from: one of two nine- or ten-year-old kids walking with the mother of one or both ("That's the coolest skateboard EVER!"), and a table full of *cops* at my local coffeeshop (Cop: "That's a sweet board, man." Me, out loud: "Uh, thanks." Me, in head: "Crap, I don't have anything illegal on me, do I?")
Not to mention everything I got at the CJSW meeting last night - much admiration there. Get this; the meeting was intended mainly to revise our bylaws, which hadn't been updated since 1983. To make quorum (the required number of members to call a legal vote to change the bylaws), we needed the requirement set in '83 - 50% of the registered membership.
CJSW's current membership stands at 222. Nunmber of people at the meeting at the time the vote was called, including yours truly - 111. Yep... if I'd ditched the meeting (and I was sorely tempted; perfect boarding weather), they wouldn't have been able to vote on anything. Yikes. Anyway, we changed quorum to a flat 30 members, changed a few other bylaws, and elected a new executive committee, then I bolted. Needed to get outside and cruise some sidewalks.
So I'm finally gonna get in shape this summer. Which is good, because I'm so not getting into school for the fall.
So I'll have to work to support my ass for another year. Maybe now I'll be able to get back into the actual grunt-work, which pays far better than the merely menial stuff.
I've also completed a little project of mine - reading and posting in every SG's journal. I've received a lot of great comments in return, which is insanely gratifying. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love the fact that this site actually promotes interaction between the members and the girls, and promotes the girls as real people, worth talking to. And they totally are!
Oh, I bought the new Johnny Cash CD the other day. It's really, really good. His cover of "Hurt" is probably my favourite track, but there are a lot of winners on there. The disc as a whole focuses on death and loss, more than anything else, but not all of it's morbid. I think Johnny just realizes he's getting old. Heh. Someone from CJSW heard teh "Hurt" track on the radio a few weeks ago and said "I can't believe Nine Inch Nails ripped that off from Johnny Cash! I thought they wrote all their own stuff!" I laughed at that. Stupid people are funny.
OK, don't expect another update anytime soon - still waiting on the home 'puter issue to resolve itself. We'll see how it shakes out. Four words of advice, though - buy a longboard. Now.
Oh, and please check out my previous journal entry, if you haven't yet. Not so much the entry itself as the comments the girls posted on there. I seriously
this site.
As everyone who reads Lenny's journal knows, I've had a longboard for about two and a half days now. I love it very much big. It's a real beast - sixty-two inches long (and I made the overcompensation joke before the gay man trapped in a woman's body did... yes, I am aware of the Freudian implications), over a foot across at the widest point, thirteen layers of plywood (maple or something - I'm not quite sure), Independent trucks and, uh, big blue wheels (I forget how big, but big). It weighs, what, about 15 lbs. or so, I figure. First thing I did to it was to slap a suicidegirls sticker right under the nose. It's prominently displayed whenever I stand the board upright, as I usually do to carry it.
I get so many comments/compliments on it... two of the best today came from: one of two nine- or ten-year-old kids walking with the mother of one or both ("That's the coolest skateboard EVER!"), and a table full of *cops* at my local coffeeshop (Cop: "That's a sweet board, man." Me, out loud: "Uh, thanks." Me, in head: "Crap, I don't have anything illegal on me, do I?")
Not to mention everything I got at the CJSW meeting last night - much admiration there. Get this; the meeting was intended mainly to revise our bylaws, which hadn't been updated since 1983. To make quorum (the required number of members to call a legal vote to change the bylaws), we needed the requirement set in '83 - 50% of the registered membership.
CJSW's current membership stands at 222. Nunmber of people at the meeting at the time the vote was called, including yours truly - 111. Yep... if I'd ditched the meeting (and I was sorely tempted; perfect boarding weather), they wouldn't have been able to vote on anything. Yikes. Anyway, we changed quorum to a flat 30 members, changed a few other bylaws, and elected a new executive committee, then I bolted. Needed to get outside and cruise some sidewalks.
So I'm finally gonna get in shape this summer. Which is good, because I'm so not getting into school for the fall.

I've also completed a little project of mine - reading and posting in every SG's journal. I've received a lot of great comments in return, which is insanely gratifying. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love the fact that this site actually promotes interaction between the members and the girls, and promotes the girls as real people, worth talking to. And they totally are!
Oh, I bought the new Johnny Cash CD the other day. It's really, really good. His cover of "Hurt" is probably my favourite track, but there are a lot of winners on there. The disc as a whole focuses on death and loss, more than anything else, but not all of it's morbid. I think Johnny just realizes he's getting old. Heh. Someone from CJSW heard teh "Hurt" track on the radio a few weeks ago and said "I can't believe Nine Inch Nails ripped that off from Johnny Cash! I thought they wrote all their own stuff!" I laughed at that. Stupid people are funny.
OK, don't expect another update anytime soon - still waiting on the home 'puter issue to resolve itself. We'll see how it shakes out. Four words of advice, though - buy a longboard. Now.
Oh, and please check out my previous journal entry, if you haven't yet. Not so much the entry itself as the comments the girls posted on there. I seriously

i hear that 'hurt' track over and over and over and over at work .. and i can't think of any song i hate more at this point. 

Tick Tock is the best member EVER. He bought me a longboard, shower him with praise.