Man, I talk a lot. Well, not really - not so much in person, anyway, unless I either:
a) really know the person I'm talking to quite well,
b) am completely smashti.
So I apologize for my unrestrained verbosity, my garrulous tendencies, my prolix patter. I guess it's just overcompensation. Woo, insomnia rocks my world at 3 a.m.
So I was completely hoarse at work today from the show last night. I also discovered that the palm of my right hand is one massive bruise. Ouchies. On the upside, it was my first shift as supervisor!
Mwahaha! Cower before the ultimate power that I wield! I have the authority to... uh... hmmm. Come to think of it, it's not much different from before.
Ah well, I spent the entire day imagining Bombshell Betty changing the shape of that shirt she took from me.
God, those Dollz are awesome.
a) really know the person I'm talking to quite well,
b) am completely smashti.
So I apologize for my unrestrained verbosity, my garrulous tendencies, my prolix patter. I guess it's just overcompensation. Woo, insomnia rocks my world at 3 a.m.
So I was completely hoarse at work today from the show last night. I also discovered that the palm of my right hand is one massive bruise. Ouchies. On the upside, it was my first shift as supervisor!
Mwahaha! Cower before the ultimate power that I wield! I have the authority to... uh... hmmm. Come to think of it, it's not much different from before.
Ah well, I spent the entire day imagining Bombshell Betty changing the shape of that shirt she took from me.

Is the night gallery still happening?
Uh, yeah, as far as I know... not that I really know who's asking here. Do you mean "happening" as in "a hip, swingin' place to be" or "happening" as in "our plans are still go"? Because if it's the first, then yes, definitely, and if it's the second, I'd *really* like to know who you are...