Gonna go talk to the cute punk-rock girl at the local coffeeshop, then go to my friend's art exhibit, then go see Spider with a new friend-type guy, then go to my soul-crushing job till 7 a.m.
Edited to remove my spelling idiocy. And to add the fact that my roommate is a fucking bitch. God, I'll be glad when she gets evicted.

Edited to remove my spelling idiocy. And to add the fact that my roommate is a fucking bitch. God, I'll be glad when she gets evicted.
The volume's just cranked, and she's watching Survivor. She's also commenting on how pathetic the women on that show are. Fair enough.
I say, "I've never really been too interested in watching what kind of torment a bunch of idiots will put themselves through for money."
She responds with "Well, I've never been interested in being on the internet for eight-hour stretches at a time. Kinda makes you wonder about the personality types that generates."
"What the fuck did you just say?!" (That was from me.)
"The same thing you said about me."
"I never said a goddamned thing about you! I said I didn't like the show!" (Which, I remind you, she had just taken a shot at, herself.)
"Oh, well, it's still a valid point." (Or something - I kinda had to choose between tuning her out and slapping her silly, and it wasn't an easy decision.)
She apologized about five minutes later, but fuck me. This is the same chick that works out with dumbbells in her upstairs bedroom at 4 a.m. and just drops them on the floor. Dirties every dish in the house and leaves them in the sink till they grow mold. Sweeps up the dirt into a pile in the middle of the kitchen floor then stashes the broom in her room for a week. Yells and swears constantly, to herself, while I'm trying to sleep after a 12-hour night shift. Hides the fucking bathroom sink plug on the windowsill by the bathtub, behind the shower curtain - lotsa fun when I want a quick shave before work.
I'll be *so* glad when she gets evicted.
[Edited on Mar 07, 2003]