Huzzah! Or, as the kids are saying these days, w00t! My two biggest beefs with the new site design so far - truncated usernames on the Friends/Friend Of lists and lack of greyed-out names for lapsed accounts on same - have been fixed! They've also changed the colour of the background, I see. I'm starting to like this a bit better.
Anyway, I have a story for you. It's been something like four months since the last time I had a story worth telling, but this is a good one.
Yesterday, I went out for coffee with Lotus. We stopped in at a cozy little coffeeshop I like to patronize from time to time. Working behind the counter was a very familiar-looking guy, who recognized me and started making small talk. After a minute or so, I remembered him - he was one of the hosts of the poetry kegger I had attended with Atrasties some time back.
I apologized for forgetting his name, and explained that I had been fairly well pickled that evening. We re-introduced ourselves (his name is Jamie) and chitchatted a bit more. He mentioned a potential Hallowe'en event, I expressed enthusiasm for said event, then he left us alone.
So today (well, still sort of today for me as I type this, anyway), I took my visiting girlfriend there to supplement our daily caffeine intake. As it happened, Jamie was working again. He said, "Hey, that isn't the same girl you were in here with yesterday, is it?" The girl in question gave me a look that could have killed Superman. (She had just arrived in town the previous night, FYI).
"Girl? Yesterday? Me? Never!" I was kidding, and they both knew it. I had mentioned the previous day's Lotus experience to my inamorata earlier, and we were both just having fun with it.
Aaaaaanyway, I introduce her as my girlfriend. Jamie says, "Your girlfriend? Oh, wow - that clears up something you said to me at that party."
He seemed both relieved and somewhat embarassed, so I asked, "Well, what did I say?"
He countered with "Remember, at one point, you asked me if I was gay?"
Suddenly, I did. "Oh. Yeah. Like I said, I was pretty shellacked that night. Sorry, man." I also remembered his response, which was in the negative. I was now afraid that I had somehow offended the guy.
He said, "No, it's fine. But I thought you were when you asked. But you said she's your girlfriend, right?" He seemed a little bit unsure on that last point, even after I had introduced said girlfriend as such.
"Oh my god! You thought I was hitting on you!" I just had to laugh.
He seemed a little embarassed, but he laughed along with me. "Yeah, but now that I know you have a girlfriend, it's cool. It has ceased being weird."
So yeah... I've been told (repeatedly), and heard (several) secondhand reports, that I flirt. With everybody.
Apparently I do. Even straight guys. Without realizing it.
Anyway, I have a story for you. It's been something like four months since the last time I had a story worth telling, but this is a good one.
Yesterday, I went out for coffee with Lotus. We stopped in at a cozy little coffeeshop I like to patronize from time to time. Working behind the counter was a very familiar-looking guy, who recognized me and started making small talk. After a minute or so, I remembered him - he was one of the hosts of the poetry kegger I had attended with Atrasties some time back.
I apologized for forgetting his name, and explained that I had been fairly well pickled that evening. We re-introduced ourselves (his name is Jamie) and chitchatted a bit more. He mentioned a potential Hallowe'en event, I expressed enthusiasm for said event, then he left us alone.
So today (well, still sort of today for me as I type this, anyway), I took my visiting girlfriend there to supplement our daily caffeine intake. As it happened, Jamie was working again. He said, "Hey, that isn't the same girl you were in here with yesterday, is it?" The girl in question gave me a look that could have killed Superman. (She had just arrived in town the previous night, FYI).
"Girl? Yesterday? Me? Never!" I was kidding, and they both knew it. I had mentioned the previous day's Lotus experience to my inamorata earlier, and we were both just having fun with it.
Aaaaaanyway, I introduce her as my girlfriend. Jamie says, "Your girlfriend? Oh, wow - that clears up something you said to me at that party."
He seemed both relieved and somewhat embarassed, so I asked, "Well, what did I say?"
He countered with "Remember, at one point, you asked me if I was gay?"
Suddenly, I did. "Oh. Yeah. Like I said, I was pretty shellacked that night. Sorry, man." I also remembered his response, which was in the negative. I was now afraid that I had somehow offended the guy.
He said, "No, it's fine. But I thought you were when you asked. But you said she's your girlfriend, right?" He seemed a little bit unsure on that last point, even after I had introduced said girlfriend as such.
"Oh my god! You thought I was hitting on you!" I just had to laugh.
He seemed a little embarassed, but he laughed along with me. "Yeah, but now that I know you have a girlfriend, it's cool. It has ceased being weird."
So yeah... I've been told (repeatedly), and heard (several) secondhand reports, that I flirt. With everybody.
Apparently I do. Even straight guys. Without realizing it.

thers no harm in being a shameless flirt!!
now i finally understand what you guys were talking about last night