ya know, for some one who doesn't read a whole hell of alot, i sure do buy a lot of damned books.
went to B&N the other day and bought 4 books.
1) shadow of the giant
Orson Scott Card's new ender book, yeah, I'm so excited about this, its the only series of books that I've ever really really gotten into. this one makes 8 me thinks
2) zombie survival guide
my friends and I already have a zombie plan in place, but this book has alot of good pointers
3) The official ninja handbook
not half as cool as i thought it would be
4) The batman handbook
Yeah, its just what it sound like... its a guide to becoming batman!!! oh man, i can't wait. you all better keep your eyes on the news for reports of some idiot dressed as batman killing himself while climbing a building, cause it will be me!!!
Speaking of batman, everyone needs too look at the new picture that i uploaded and read the comic... soooo good
and on a totally unrelated subject, jello wrestling party in 3 days, all are invited!!! you should come. dover new hampshire. let me know
went to B&N the other day and bought 4 books.
1) shadow of the giant
Orson Scott Card's new ender book, yeah, I'm so excited about this, its the only series of books that I've ever really really gotten into. this one makes 8 me thinks
2) zombie survival guide
my friends and I already have a zombie plan in place, but this book has alot of good pointers
3) The official ninja handbook
not half as cool as i thought it would be
4) The batman handbook
Yeah, its just what it sound like... its a guide to becoming batman!!! oh man, i can't wait. you all better keep your eyes on the news for reports of some idiot dressed as batman killing himself while climbing a building, cause it will be me!!!
Speaking of batman, everyone needs too look at the new picture that i uploaded and read the comic... soooo good
and on a totally unrelated subject, jello wrestling party in 3 days, all are invited!!! you should come. dover new hampshire. let me know
If they attack, you and I will know what to do!