Lost some stuff and gained some stuff. Lost my hair a shaved head is working out well for me. It was supposed to ugly me up but every one I know saya it looks grate.
And the gained part is Im finly back on a motorcycle. Been down for about ten years , My new bike, A honda xr650l a street and dirt rippin pig of a bike. Im in love. Haveing only rode harleys all my life I didnt know what I was missing. I started rideing a harley in the mid 80's to be difrent. Now every rich bitch in the world has one. And there bikes only get out of the grage once a month for one day. There all a bunch of pathetic tools. The only way Ill respect a person on a harley is if they ride at least four days a week. Or if there flying colors of a one% club. Thats the old school harley in me.
Any way my next goal is to find some SG members to ride with.