Thinking of getting anouther house rabbit. The one I used to have was a Florida White. Big rabbit with a big attitude. He used to give our cats hell. He was alot of fun.
I need to find a breed that dosent sheed so much tough. Way too much hair comes off that breed. But he was smart, never had a problem useing the litter...
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Soon, we'll talk about your parents place. It looks AWESOME and just what I am looking for. I'm going to get a final count on who's coming hopefully in a week or so
Where have you been?
Lost some stuff and gained some stuff. Lost my hair a shaved head is working out well for me. It was supposed to ugly me up but every one I know saya it looks grate.
And the gained part is Im finly back on a motorcycle. Been down for about ten years , My new bike, A honda xr650l a street and dirt rippin pig...
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Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. Anything to let me know you're actually interested in SGMC will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.
Thanks for joining my group!

anyone know the most afordable way to make a wall calender? I figerd it would be pricey for a nicely done one but dam, there high.
make your own! I have construction paper and markers if you need some... hehehe.
So I ordred some nice pewter skull beads for necromance yesterday

im going to try and make it. its either that or go to a party at mother egans with the transplanted jew who wont return my advances.
im such a glutton for punishment
im such a glutton for punishment

Ok... so i am not going. Lo siento mucho. Maybe some other time!?
Whell got 2000.00 dollors for the guy im building the hand rail for which is cool. Bad thing is that is only going to cover material. Im going to have to tell him I need more for a band saw. And then when the job is done hell need to pay me about 4000.00 for labor. He souldent have a problem with it he has...
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if i get it, its at the corner of s. 1st and mary
Wow didnt know its been so long since I posted. The hollidays where crazy. But im finly getting into my old ruteen which is nice. I need ruteen and structure in my life.
Finaly starting on that side job today Things have been on hold because of construction delays due to the framers of the house

My bud at work got some nice deer this...
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Start of a new week this week is going to fly by. Chrismas is just around the corner

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Didn't this guy Bob used to play in the Flametrick Subs? Haven't heard that band's name in such a long time.
I'm here, I'm commenting.
If you start playing around and commenting on the boards, you will make friends fast.
I'm here, I'm commenting.

If you start playing around and commenting on the boards, you will make friends fast.

Got the job time to celibrate its a Carolans Irish cream day

Today is the day I go to the land of the rich and famous in west Austin. Going to mesure up this big welding job. Hopefully this guy whont bitch about the price. If he wants the hand rail that he discribes he is just going to have to deal with it and caugh up 4700. bucks cause Im not doing it for less.

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You're cool... you feel free to messege me anytime!
Today was good didnt let myself strees out too much. Steel have my mind on the coast and fishing. looking forward to spring brake already.
Going to see this guy about a welding job on friday he is getting a little squirlly on me about paying half up front but I must insist. I have all ready spent a good 10 hours doing bidds on...
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Getting back in the rat race after a weekend down on the island can be kindof nuts.. People who live down there are kinda on a difrent time scedual, much more laied back. Its nice they dont have much monney or nice things but they live worry free. Much diferent than i am use to.
I have ass loads more to say but it will...
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Sure, pick all the times that the fishing is red hot up here! Shit, if I leave my bit of fishing Shangri la I wanna go when it's cold up here! Same offer is extended to you as well, we have some of the best trout and steelhead fishing, and the salmon fishing is stupid good!
I normally am one of those people who fight to be where they are... Im just tired of fighting... its my life story.
Thank you for the words!
Nice fishie!
Thank you for the words!

Nice fishie!