So much to do today and cant get going. Need to get up from the computer and get on with it. I am going to Saudi Arabia for a 4 to 6 week job and need to get an eye exam and blood type done today also have to send of my pass port and death sentence letter. You have to sign a form stating you understand that you can be put to death for drugs and what ever else they want to kill you for. Its kind of scary if the fucking terrorist dont get you the Saudi government will. I am rely not that worried I know a few people who have been to this particular refinery and they say it aint bad. The money is fucking sick I will be able to take off the entire summer with the kids so the pay off is there but still am a little reluctant to take the final steps. FEAR= fuck every ting and run or facing every thing about recovery. Well at least I will not have to worry about getting drunk in Saudi hell of a detox.
i like to at least have a few chats before i add anyone as a buddy...
so... tell me a story!