It was fun. I don't think I'll do it again.
I hate feeling like ass at work on a Monday.
But all that liquor felt so worth it last night.
We moved from the Fantasy tower because aparently if you can afford a room with HD TV in the bathroom, you aren't a smoker. That doesnt' fly. But the room we woound up in was awesome.
Sean lost at Chug a Lug. No pants, I owned his belt. He's a quitter. We still love him. Chased him out the door a few times.
Pamela was my hero & got brave enough to check out the Ghostbar, but I think that took the wind out of her sails.
Danny & Josh didn't stay long. David came & passed out on the couch, he's a funny loady. Dena & Joe bonded & I think that was the cutest point of the night. Lanae & I sat around checking out girls in the Vegas mags for a bit. And even Heather came through for a minute.
Today is the first day of over a month of time off. I have no idea what to do with myself. I DO plan on going to see Happy Feet with my girls this weekend.
Other than that, I leave it up to my good friends to entertain my ass. Any one want to take a cute broke girl out for some fun?!
I hate feeling like ass at work on a Monday.
But all that liquor felt so worth it last night.
We moved from the Fantasy tower because aparently if you can afford a room with HD TV in the bathroom, you aren't a smoker. That doesnt' fly. But the room we woound up in was awesome.
Sean lost at Chug a Lug. No pants, I owned his belt. He's a quitter. We still love him. Chased him out the door a few times.
Pamela was my hero & got brave enough to check out the Ghostbar, but I think that took the wind out of her sails.
Danny & Josh didn't stay long. David came & passed out on the couch, he's a funny loady. Dena & Joe bonded & I think that was the cutest point of the night. Lanae & I sat around checking out girls in the Vegas mags for a bit. And even Heather came through for a minute.
Today is the first day of over a month of time off. I have no idea what to do with myself. I DO plan on going to see Happy Feet with my girls this weekend.
Other than that, I leave it up to my good friends to entertain my ass. Any one want to take a cute broke girl out for some fun?!
I didn't read your post until way after dinner.
Otherwise I would have said come over for food and booze.
Let me know what you schedule is like the rest of the week. monimina and I always like to entertain.