The saddest blog I'll ever write
I'm sure there aren't many who haven't heard, but Bob Blomgren has passed away. The information went out early Saturday morning, though he passed many days before that. My heart goes out to all who knew him, we were all blessed to have him be a part of our lives. I honestly don't know what life is like without Bob. It's like saying goodbye to 11 years of your life, and I don't know how to do that.
Your La Rue will always love you Silly Bob.
I'm sure there aren't many who haven't heard, but Bob Blomgren has passed away. The information went out early Saturday morning, though he passed many days before that. My heart goes out to all who knew him, we were all blessed to have him be a part of our lives. I honestly don't know what life is like without Bob. It's like saying goodbye to 11 years of your life, and I don't know how to do that.
Your La Rue will always love you Silly Bob.
when at a loss for words try silence.
and when you find out how to change your profile tell me too!!!lol
good luck i hope that helped